Assisted Living Room Accommodation Types and Availability
According to our proprietary database, assisted living facilities in Austin offer 27 studio apartments, 27 one-bedroom apartments, and 17 two-bedroom apartments.
Health and Personal Care Service Levels and Availability
Austin has 13 facilities offering respite care services, 6 offering skilled nursing, 5 offering bathing assistance, and 3 offering memory care.
Pet Policies and Popular Amenities
Pets are allowed in 34 facilities in Austin, with 2 that restrict cats, 1 that do not allow large dogs (only small dogs allowed), and 2 others with a strict 'no-pet' policy. In terms of recreation and wellness amenities, Austin offers 9 facilities with a pool or spa, 2 with a golf course, and 4 with a patio.
Non-English Languages Spoken
5 Assisted living facilities in Austin support Spanish.
These statistics are current as of December 2024 using Caring's proprietary database of Assisted Living facilities across the United States, sourced largely from the facilities or from our team's research. We strive to maintain the largest database of senior living facilities and senior care resources online. Though we may not have full coverage, we will continue to update and validate this data for care seekers. These data points describe the facility's location offerings, which may include more types of care than Assisted Living.