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Assisted Living Communities in Cedar Hill, Texas

The North Texas community of Cedar Hill sits within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area, where 218 assisted living communities provide housing and support seniors with daily care needs. In...

Directory of Assisted Living in Cedar Hill, TX

218 Results

Pets AllowedPhysical TherapyPool / Hot TubVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


218 Results

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Morada Cedar Hill Assisted Living

My mom will move into Morada Cedar Hill Assisted Living. I liked the staff, the location, the building, and everything about it. They provide a refrigerator and a microwave. The staff was wonderful...

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Cedar Hills Senior Living

I thought Cedar Hills Senior Living was okay. There was nothing outstanding about it. The staff was very cooperative and very informative. The building was very clean and looked like it was...

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Morada Cedar Hill Assisted Living

Morada Cedar Hill Assisted Living was nice and clean. The people are very helpful. It's a little older. The apartments were nice. I met a couple of the family members and they are very happy and...

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Cedar Hill, TX and Nearby Cities

According to the 2024 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, assisted living residents in Cedar Hill pay about $5,241 per month. This trends higher than the Texas median of $4,915 but compares favorably with rates of around $5,803 in nearby Abilene. However, seniors find more affordable care in Tyler, where facilities charge about $4,445, and in Sherman, seniors pay almost $2,000 less.

Cedar Hill




The United States










Paying for Assisted Living in Cedar Hill, TX

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Cedar Hill

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services can help seniors find assisted living homes in Cedar Hill, Texas, within their budget and that provide the level of care they require. Those with Medicaid, Medicare or SSI income, may be eligible for assisted living financing. The STAR+PLUS serves specific areas of the state, providing an alternative to nursing facility placement and also covers the cost of assisted living.

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in Texas page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in Texas page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Cedar Hill, TX

In Cedar Hill, assisted living costs around $5,241 per month. By comparison, home-based care costs run higher, with seniors paying about $5,339 for in-home care and approximately $5,720 for home health care. Additionally, nursing homes charge roughly $450 more for 24-hour medical monitoring in semi-private rooms. However, adult day health care fees are comparatively affordable at about $1,950.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Adult Day Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing home (semiprivate room)


Note: Since data for Cedar Hill is unavailable, we used data for the nearest city, Dallas, instead.

Free Assisted Living Resources in Cedar Hill

Residents of Cedar Hill have access to many free resources, programs and services aimed at helping seniors throughout the city. Provided by nonprofit organizations and government agencies, these include long-term care counseling, wellness programs and financial assistance programs for low-income older adults.

Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas(800) 447-7169The Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas helps seniors and their families navigate decisions about various topics, including assisted living, financial planning and public benefits. AAACT hosts several support groups for caregivers, as well as free health classes that teach seniors to manage diabetes and other chronic conditions.
Dallas County Veterans Services(972) 692-4939This agency can help veterans and their dependents apply for pensions, disability compensation and Aid and Attendance, which provides funds to pay assisted living costs for eligible individuals. Its website has information about emergency financial aid, burial benefits and training programs for veterans seeking employment.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program(214) 823-5700Provided by The Senior Source, the Ombudsman Program works to protect the rights of retirees in long-term care. Ombudsmen investigate complaints regarding unsanitary conditions, staffing issues, neglect and other concerns that impact a senior's quality of life. Its staff can also help seniors and their families choose the best assisted living community for their needs.
DME Exchange of Dallas(214) 997-3639This organization provides free, durable medical equipment loans to residents of Dallas County. Its selection regularly changes but can include wheelchairs, bathroom aids, walkers and bedside equipment. Medical scooters and powerchairs may also be available. Seniors must have an income no higher than 200% of the federal poverty level to qualify for a loan.
Dallas and Collin County RSVP(214) 525-6122Texas Senior Corps RSVP is a volunteer opportunity program for people 55 and up. Seniors can use their skills and life experience in various ways, including preparing meals for the needy, providing transportation or teaching other retirees about Medicare.
Cedar Hill Senior Center(972) 291-5353The Cedar Hill Senior Center offers crafts classes, games, fitness programs and other fun activities to residents 55 and up. People who love traveling can join a group day trip to visit local attractions or extended trips to popular tourist destinations around the country.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Cedar Hill

Cedar Hill-area assisted living communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all assisted living communities in Texas are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in Texas page for more information about these laws.

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