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Nursing Home Communities in Parma, Ohio

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Parma, OH below include 247 nursing homes...

Directory of Nursing Home in Parma, OH

247 Results

Physical TherapyVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


247 Results

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Nursing Homes


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Legacy North Royalton

Legacy North was horrible to my brother, he stayed there for 3 months to heal after being ill, he had to go to university hospital in Parma, the doctor stated he lost 15 pounds since he been at...

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Nursing Homes


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Parma Care Center

This is a facility that you have got to not judge a book by its cover. The staff here are so lovely, they truly care for the residents and I have never felt fear or uncomfortable having my family...

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Nursing Homes


I am/was a resident of this facility

Review of Broadview Multi Care Center

I was a resident of Broadview Multi Care Center. The staff was very friendly. They're very helpful. I like the way they respond so fast to emergencies. They're very professional. The food was not...

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The Cost of Nursing Home Care in Nearby Cities

Residents of Parma pay an average of $92 per month more than the average American for nursing home care in a semiprivate room. Ohio as a whole has an average monthly cost that’s $700 below that of Parma, at $7,148 per month.

Akron is more expensive than Parma, with a monthly average of $8,121, whereas the cost of care drops considerably in Canton, at $6,540. The most affordable nursing home care in the state is in Mansfield, roughly 60 miles southwest of Parma, at $5,779 per month. Youngstown nursing home rates are $548 lower than in Parma, at $7,300.





United States










Nursing Home Costs in Parma, OH

Parma’s nursing homes have an average cost of $7,848 per month for semiprivate rooms and $8,745 for private rooms.

Financial Assistance for Nursing Home Care in Parma, OH

Many seniors and their families use some form of financial assistance to help them pay for nursing care. The main options available are Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans benefits. These programs can be complicated, especially when it comes to benefit terms. Below, we give a brief overview of how these programs may be used towards paying for skilled nursing care.

  • Medicare: Medicare will typically cover all skilled nursing costs for the first 20 days of one’s stay in a nursing home and a portion of the costs until day 100. After 100 days in a skilled nursing facility, Medicare will not cover any part of the cost of the stay. While this is adequate when short-term care is needed, those in need of long-term care will need to either pay out-of-pocket or use another source of financial assistance.
  • Medicaid: Medicaid covers most of the costs of living in a skilled nursing facility for those who qualify. Care, room, and board are covered with no time limit, but residents may be charged for extras like specially prepared food or cosmetic services. Medicaid eligibility standards are strict and complex, so not all seniors are eligible for Medicaid benefits.
  • Veterans Benefits: Veterans receiving a VA pension may also be eligible for the Aid and Attendance benefit administered by the VA. Aid and Attendance is a monthly allowance that beneficiaries may use to pay for their long-term care, including skilled nursing care.

If these options aren’t available to you, check if your loved one has long-term care insurance or contact your Area Agency on Aging to ask about any local financial assistance programs for seniors.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Care

Compared to a semiprivate room, private rooms in Parma’s nursing homes have an average cost that’s higher by $897 per month. There is little difference in cost between homemaker services and home health, averaging $4,362 and $4,410, respectively. Assisted living communities in Parma are roughly 10% cheaper than in-home care options, at $3,950 per month. Adult day health care programs cost a fraction of nursing care, at $1,246.

Home care


Home health care


Adult day health care


Assisted living


Nursing home (semiprivate room)


Nursing home (private room)


Free Resources for Seniors in Parma, OH

The City of Parma and affiliated nonprofits in the area provide many useful services and programs for seniors, most of which are free or low-cost. Some services may help those at risk of being placed in a nursing care facility who wish to remain independent in their own home, while others provide transition assistance and access to public benefits that may cover the cost of care.

Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging(800) 626-7277Cuyahoga County residents aged over 60 and people of any age with disabilities can seek help and access to care via the local Area Agency on Aging. Western Reserve is a nonprofit organization that partners with the local government to provide case management and planning, medical assessments for public benefit programs, personalized advice and group advocacy. The WRAAA can help seniors transition to or from nursing homes and identify any applicable funding sources to cover the cost of care or delay the need for transition by providing in-home care.
City of Parma Residential Services(216) 661-7372Parma's Department of Community Services & Economic Development offers many useful services that promote independence and allow seniors to live longer in their own home, as opposed to nursing home care. Seniors may be eligible for free or low-cost emergency response and voice monitoring systems, ramp installation, furnace inspection and general home improvement.
Donna Smallwood Activities Center(440) 885-8800Previously known as Parma Senior Center, this organization provides a place for residents aged 55+ to meet other locals, eat lunch and participate in activities every weekday. The center also provides social and supportive services, as well as referrals to other appropriate resources and agencies in the area. Available services range from home-delivered meals and transportation to case management, health screening and support groups.
Parma Heights Senior Center(440) 888-4416The senior center in Parma Heights is open every weekday for congregate dining, activities and special events. Weekly activities include podiatrist visits, blood pressure checks and therapy dog sessions, as well as bingo, senior-friendly exercise classes and crafts. Transportation for local seniors is provided every day.

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