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Memory Care Communities in Winter Haven, Florida

Our memory care directory in Winter Haven, Florida includes 21 communities with 298 reviews...

Directory of Memory Care in Winter Haven, FL

21 Results

Physical TherapyVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


21 Results

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Memory Care


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Hawthorne Inn

My grandmother moved to Hawthorne Inn. I like that it's a small facility. It's very home-like, and it seemed to be a perfect fit for my grandma. They have scheduled activities. Every time I've gone...

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Memory Care


I visited this facility

Review of Spring Haven Senior Living

My husband will be moving into Spring Haven Retirement. It was pleasant. They're in the process of enlarging and renovating the place. Everything is going to be repainted and new and fresh looking,...

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Memory Care

Jim R

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Best Care Senior Living at Winter Haven

Caring, compassionate, and efficient staff. Great place to call home.

Provider response

Thank you so much for your review. We are so happy that you enjoyed your visit with us!

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The Cost of Memory Care in Nearby Cities

Winter Haven’s average memory care cost compares favorably to the national average, which is $5,625, and Florida’s statewide rate, which is $5,000. Relative to other cities in its region, Winter Haven is an affordable option. Tampa’s median rate is $63 higher, while Sebring’s is $170 higher. Prices jump in Orlando, where residents pay $5,000. Memory care is even more expensive in The Villages. There, seniors pay an average of $6,510.

Winter Haven




The United States




The Villages






Paying for Memory Care in Winter Haven

Note: Residential memory care is usually offered in assisted living facilities, and in general, memory care rates tend to be 20-30% higher than assisted living rates. No national database currently tracks memory care costs in the United States, so we’ve estimated the monthly memory care costs listed below by adding 25% to the rates listed in Genworth’s 2021 Cost of Care Survey.

In Winter Haven, memory care providers charge an average fee of $4,125 per month.

Financial Assistance for Memory Care in Winter Haven

In Winter Haven there are options for seniors who need financial assistance paying for Memory Care. For more information about other options, who qualifies, and how to apply, visit our Memory Care in Florida page.

More Ways to Pay for Memory Care

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for memory care, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance memory care costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance memory care, visit our Memory Care in Florida page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Care

Seniors who are still able to function independently have other care options to choose from. For instance, assisted living costs in Winter Haven come in $825 per month below the corresponding rate for memory care. However, memory care is $451 per month cheaper than in-home care and $356 more affordable than home health care. Nursing homes are the city’s most expensive senior care option. In those facilities, the average cost for a semiprivate room is $8,745.

Memory Care


In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Note: Data for Winter Haven was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Lakeland, was used instead.

Free Memory Care Resources in Winter Haven

While searching for senior care solutions may seem overwhelming at first, there are many organizations in the Winter Haven area that can help simplify the process. Below are several resources that provide advice, access to support groups and other forms of assistance.

Polk County Veteran Services(800) 780-5346Veterans and survivors seeking military benefits are the target demographic of Veteran Services, which is part of Polk County's government. The organization helps in matters such as disability-related compensation and pensions. It is a source of both information and assistance with applications.
Senior Connection Center(800) 963-5337The Senior Connection Center's Elder Helpline has operators who perform referrals and give seniors information. The center also houses a unit focused on long-term care, which counsels clients and conducts needs assessments. The organization's clientele is made up of seniors 60 years of age and older, plus caregivers.
Alzheimer's Association Florida Gulf Coast Chapter(800) 272-3900The Alzheimer's Association's Florida Gulf Coast Chapter facilitates support groups and a socialization-focused program for individuals in the early stages of memory loss. Another Alzheimer's Association offering is a 24/7 helpline that focuses on informing caregivers and seniors with dementia. Educational programming is available from the association as well.
Florida Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program(863) 413-2764Florida's LTCOP aids seniors and caregivers who are seeking information about long-term care or who have concerns about the living conditions in a long-term care facility. The program's representatives liaise between facility residents and staff members to solve problems. They keep complaints confidential and perform their work free of charge.
Bay Area Legal Services(888) 895-7873BALS has a legal helpline and oversees virtual and in-person legal clinics. One priority of the organization is helping seniors access public benefits, including Social Security. The organization also helps individuals create wills and estates. Other areas of focus include guardianships and caregiver assistance.

What to Consider About Memory Care in Winter Haven

In Florida, the Bureau of Health Facility Regulation oversees memory care facilities. The bureau is part of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. It sets the standards that facilities must meet for licensure and the rules they must follow when in operation. Those rules govern matters such as staffing ratios and training requirements.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Memory Care in Winter Haven

  • Winter Haven is a member of the AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, as is Florida. Members of that network have met the AARP’s standards for being welcoming and livable for seniors.
  • During urgent medical situations, seniors can go to the emergency department of Winter Haven Hospital for 24/7 assistance. The hospital’s parent organization, BayCare, also has a program dedicated to treating individuals with memory-related conditions.
  • Winter Haven’s climate is somewhat rainy, but the city’s residents can enjoy 242 sunny days per year, or 37 more than the national average. During winter, temperatures dip to an average low of 49.7 degrees, a figure much higher than the nationwide rate of 21.7 degrees.
  • According to the rating system BestPlaces uses to assess public safety, Winter Haven’s violent crime rate is 27.5, exceeding the national average, which is 22.7. Similarly, the city’s property crime rate of 51.9 comes in above the national average, which is 35.4. For context, BestPlaces uses a scale from 0 to 100, with higher numbers corresponding to more crime. While crime in Winter Haven is a concerning issue, the protective security features of memory care communities may provide safety.
  • Winter Haven’s cost of living comes in 11.2% below the national average and 14.3% below Florida’s average. Health care and grocery costs are slightly more expensive than the national mean, but housing and transportation are noticeably more affordable than in the typical American city.
  • Florida levies no taxes on individual income, meaning seniors can make more use of Social Security benefits as well as money from retirement funds and pensions. 

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in Winter Haven

Winter Haven Memory Care Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Memory Care Facilities in Florida are required to follow. Visit our Memory Care in Florida page for more information about these laws.

Memory Care Facilities near Winter Haven, FL

LakelandKissimmeePlant CityClermontZephyrhillsWinter Garden

Other Options in Winter Haven, FL

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