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Memory Care Communities in Clovis, California

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Clovis, CA below include 33 memory care...

Directory of Memory Care in Clovis, CA

33 Results

Physical TherapyVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Memory Care


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Truewood by Merrill, Clovis

My mom moved to Truewood by Merrill, Clovis. It is conveniently close. I like the staff, I like the interaction, and the ease of registration. They made things easy and clear. I've been there every...

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Memory Care


I visited this facility

Review of Truewood by Merrill, Clovis

We liked Truewood by Merrill, Clovis. They seemed to have some organized activities for the memory care clients. It was clean and organized, and the people knew what they were doing. They seemed to...

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Memory Care


I visited this facility

Review of Carmel Village at Clovis

We toured Carmel Village at Clovis. The people seemed very nice. The tour was pretty thorough, and we were able to talk with one of the residents. There were two classifications of rooms. One room...

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The Cost of Memory Care in Nearby Cities

At an average cost of $4,785 per month for memory care, Clovis is one of California's most affordable cities. Care costs $1,778 less than the state average and $840 less than the national norm. Prices in other cities across California vary significantly. While care costs $224 less in Stockton, seniors can expect to pay about 37.2% more in Los Angeles and 36.5% more in Sacramento. Memory care costs trend much higher in Napa, where seniors pay nearly 64.6% more than in Clovis.





United States




Los Angeles






Paying for Memory Care in Clovis

Note: Residential memory care is usually offered in assisted living facilities, and in general, memory care rates tend to be 20-30% higher than assisted living rates. No national database currently tracks memory care costs in the United States, so we've estimated the monthly memory care costs listed below by adding 25% to the rates listed in Genworth's 2021 Cost of Care Survey.

Memory care costs $4,785 per month in Clovis.

Financial Assistance for Memory Care in Clovis

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Memory Care in California page.

Financial Assistance for Memory Care in California

More Ways to Pay for Memory Care

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for memory care, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance memory care costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance memory care, visit our Memory Care in California page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Care

Memory care communities charge $4,785 per month in Clovis. Assisted living costs $957 less than memory care, but this service focuses on personal care, so it may not provide the specialized support seniors with late-stage Alzheimer's need. Based on semi-private room rates, nursing homes cost nearly 58% more than memory care. While many employ staff knowledgeable in dementia care, these residences primarily provide skilled nursing for seniors who need frequent medical treatments and observation.

Memory Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Note: Data for Clovis was unavailable, so data for the nearest city, Madera, was used instead.

Free Memory Care Resources in Clovis

Clovis and the surrounding area are home to numerous government agencies and non-profit organizations offering help for seniors searching for or currently residing in a memory care community. These organizations can also provide assistance in a number of other eldercare services such as geriatric care management, elder law advice, estate planning, finding home care and health and wellness programs.

To see a list of free memory care resources in Clovis, please visit our Memory Care in California page.

What to Consider About Memory Care in Clovis

Memory care providers in Clovis follow the health and safety regulations that California's Community Care Licensing Division sets. The division performs regular audits to check compliance, assessing whether communities employ staff with sufficient training and whether food quality, activities and cleanliness reach minimum standards.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Memory Care in Clovis


  • The overall cost of living ranks 3.7% higher in Clovis than nationwide. However, the cost of living across California is 49.9% higher than the U.S. average, making Clovis one of the most affordable cities in the state for seniors with limited income.



  • Clovis benefits from California's mild, sunny climate and experiences up to 272 sunshine-filled days compared to the national average of 205. The region sees little to no annual snowfall and 25 fewer inches of rain than the U.S. norm.


  • Air quality in Clovis sometimes trends into the moderate quality category of the U.S. Air Quality Index, indicating potential problems for people with sensitive lungs. However, the quality is good overall, and seniors can protect themselves from small particles and allergens by wearing masks when outdoors.


  • Clovis has lower crime rates than the average Californian city. While 21.49 property crimes occur for every 1,000 residents in Clovis — above the national median of 19 — the state average trends higher at 23.47. Only 2.29 people per every 1,000 experience a violent crime in Clovis, compared to an average of 4.4 across California and a median of 4 throughout the country.

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in Clovis


Clovis Memory Care Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Memory Care Facilities in California are required to follow. Visit our Memory Care in California page for more information about these laws.

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in California

Memory Care Facilities near Clovis, CA

FresnoVisaliaMercedTurlockOakdalePaso Robles

Other Options in Clovis, CA

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