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Assisted Living Communities in Buffalo, New York

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Buffalo, NY below include 65 Assisted Living facilities with...

Directory of Assisted Living in Buffalo, NY

65 Results

Pets AllowedPhysical TherapyPool / Hot TubVeterans BenefitsRespite Care


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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville

My parents have moved into Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville. They are enjoying it. One of the main reasons I chose them is because they do accept Medicare when private funds...

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville

Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville was fantastic. They're an all-inclusive facility. If you run out of money, Medicaid will take over. They have lots of activities and they...

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Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville

All the staff members at Heathwood Assisted Living & Memory Care at Williamsville are super friendly and very responsive to phone calls. Everyone's super nice, super helpful, and they're working on...

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Buffalo, NY and Nearby Cities

The average price of care in Buffalo is slightly more than the state average of $4,580 and the U.S. average of $4,500. Across the state, the price of care varies significantly from city to city. One of the most affordable cities in the state is Rochester, where seniors pay $3,775 per month for assisted living. Conversely, one of the most expensive cities for care is Ithaca, where seniors typically pay around $8,075 for care. In both Albany and New York City, the average price of care is higher than the state and national averages at $5,269 and $5,750 per month, respectively.





United States








New York City


Paying for Assisted Living in Buffalo, NY

When trying to decide how to pay for assisted living, one of the first questions that comes up is "How much does it cost?" With the impact of inflation, it's more important than ever to have up-to-date information when making a financial plan for senior living. To help shed light on real senior living prices, has compiled proprietary cost data from its network of more than 75,000 senior living providers to provide insight into the average cost of assisted living in Buffalo and 69 other cities in New York.

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Buffalo

Eligible seniors may be able to receive financial aid for assisted living in Buffalo through two programs: Medicaid’s Managed Long Term Care Waiver (MLTC) and the Assisted Living Program (ALP). 

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in New York page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in New York page.

Inflation's Impact on the Cost of Assisted Living in Buffalo, NY

In Buffalo, NY, inflation caused an increase of 9.6% in assisted living costs during the 2022-2023 timeframe. Meanwhile, inflation also caused the national average to rise by 9.55%, well under the state average of 14.86%. Similar to the national average inflation increase, Brooklyn, New York, and Staten Island assisted living rates rose by 9.57%, 9.55%, and 9. 57%. Individuals considering assisted living may use these figures to help with their budgets and planning, especially for the different types of care available to those in need.

Location2022 Cost (Historical)2023 Cost (Current)2024 Cost (Estimated)
U.S. Average$4,070$4,459$4,802
New York$4,091$4,699$5,431
New York$4,038$4,424$4,764
Staten Island$3,260$3,572$3,847

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Buffalo, NY

Independent living in Buffalo might be an option for individuals who require little care. In contrast, assisted living is $4,698, while memory care rates average $4,832. Memory care is often costlier than other care forms because it offers numerous specialized services. When there is little difference between these rates, the care levels may also not vary much. However, when these rates differ significantly, it may indicate substantial care level differences, encouraging further research.

Assisted Living


Memory Care


Independent Living


Assisted Living Facility Care and Amenity Breakdown for Buffalo, NY

Assisted Living Room Accommodation Types and Availability

According to our proprietary database, assisted living facilities in Buffalo offer 2 studio apartments, 1 one-bedroom apartment, and 1 two-bedroom apartment.

Health and Personal Care Service Levels and Availability

Buffalo has 1 facility offering respite care services, 1 offering skilled nursing, and 1 offering medication reminders.

Pet Policies and Popular Amenities

Pets are allowed in 1 facility in Buffalo, with 1 other having a strict 'no-pet' policy.

These statistics are current as of December 2024 using Caring's proprietary database of Assisted Living facilities across the United States, sourced largely from the facilities or from our team's research. We strive to maintain the largest database of senior living facilities and senior care resources online. Though we may not have full coverage, we will continue to update and validate this data for care seekers. These data points describe the facility's location offerings, which may include more types of care than Assisted Living.

Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in Buffalo,NY

There are many resources in Buffalo,NY that assist seniors in their retirement. has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.

For information about statewide resources and those in nearby cities, go to Caring's New York state page.

Area Agency on Aging

Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Erie County Dept. of Senior Services716-858-8526New York State has 59 Area Agencies on Aging, and they offer services to seniors that include legal services, home-delivered meals, transportation, social adult day services and case management. Seniors can also learn more about volunteer opportunities, get help with their insurance and receive advice about proper nutrition. Support is available to caregivers who need guidance or information about resources.

Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living

Whether living in their own home or in a senior living community, Buffalo seniors can find financial assistance from numerous local resources. These organizations help residents cover some of the costs associated with in-home or long-term care and connect them with other helpful community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Erie County NY Connects800-342-9886NY Connects is a state government website that directs New Yorkers to an array of useful services available in their communities. Visitors can use the site's search facilities to find a local provider loaning durable medical equipment free of charge.
Catholic Health LIFE855-671-3341The PACE provider manages all medical and non-medical services in the senior's home or in an adult day care facility or nursing home. PACE combines Medicaid and Medicare services, with the organization responsible for all aspects of care, including the choice of physicians.

Food Assistance Programs

Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Buffalo seniors afford the nutritious food they need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
FeedMore WNY716-852-1305FeedMore WNY offers a comprehensive range of food assistance programs to combat hunger and food insecurity across the Western New York region. It focuses on addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, including seniors and children, throughout Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie and Niagara counties. Its programs include food pantries, a mobile food distribution service, a home-delivered meals program and partnerships with local hunger-relief agencies.

Many organizations offer free or low-cost legal services to Buffalo seniors. Older adults can access advice on issues such as estate planning, living wills and power of attorney. Some firms also act as long-term care ombudsmen, advocating for the rights of seniors in senior living communities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Center for Elder Law and Justice844-481-0973The Center for Elder Law and Justice offers free legal aid for seniors in Buffalo. Seniors can call the free legal advice helpline for answers to brief legal questions or visit the office for help with more complex queries. Issues it deals with include elder abuse, health care advocacy and scam prevention.

Senior Centers

Senior centers in Buffalo bring together residents through recreational activities and events. Many also offer advice and support on senior issues, run wellness and nutrition programs, and connect older adults with other resources in the local area.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Catholic Charities716-856-4494Catholic Charities' senior-focused services include the Telephone Assurance Program, whose volunteers make wellness-checkup calls to homebound adults otherwise at risk of isolation. It also runs Project HOPE, which helps seniors with mental health diagnoses gain access to entitlements. Additionally, Project HOPE provides guidance for their family members and caregivers. Seniors must be 60 years of age or older to qualify.
Senior Sevices of Erie County718-858-8526Erie County's Department of Senior Services oversees a range of programs for the county's older adults. These include wellness programs, senior transportation and nutrition services. The department also provides free assistance with benefits applications.
People Inc.716-817-7400People Inc. assists seniors and caregivers with varying needs. Its respite services are free for certain applicants. Additionally, its volunteer Senior Companions provide help with household tasks and errands. For long-term care residents, People Inc. provides no-charge problem resolution and advocacy services.

Social Security Offices

Social Security offices in Buffalo help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they're entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Buffalo Social Security Office 14204800-772-1213Social Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you'll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working.

Veteran's Services

Buffalo retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they're eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
VA Western New York Healthcare - Buffalo716-834-9200The VA Western New York Healthcare System at Batavia is a full-service primary and specialty health care service facility for veterans. The location in Batavia provides cardiology, audiology, dermatology, geriatrics, physical therapy and podiatry. It also has an on-site pharmacy, imaging care, dietary services and mental health care, including therapy for PTSD, depression and grief. Telehealth services are available at this clinic.
Veterans One-Stop Center of West New York716-898-0110The Veterans One-Stop Center of West New York provides a range of services and programs to assist senior veterans and their family members. Case navigators can assist seniors in steering through the complicated military benefits system and ensure they're receiving all the benefits they may be eligible for. The center can help veterans looking for medical care and senior housing options. Free legal services are available on-site to those needing legal assistance or advice.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Buffalo

Buffalo Assisted Living Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Assisted Living facilities in New York are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in New York page for more information about these laws.

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