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Memory Care Communities in Columbus, Ohio

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Columbus, OH below include 67 memory care...

Directory of Memory Care in Columbus, OH

67 Results

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Memory Care

Gretchen K.

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Danbury Columbus

My mom has been at Danbury Columbus for 3 1/2 years. In that time she has moved from the regular assisted living to the memory care due to her need for an increased level of care. It is evident...

Provider response

Hi Gretchen, Thank you for your review! We’re thrilled to hear that your mom has had a great experience with our team. Our dedicated staff works hard to ensure connections are strong and...

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Memory Care

Brinkman Family

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Danbury Columbus

My mom has been a Resident at Danbury for five years. I have seen her go from assisted-living to memory care now. Through this journey I feel the entire staff has been very supportive, caring and...

Provider response

Hello, Thank you for your review! It’s wonderful to hear that your experience with us has been great. We appreciate your feedback!

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Memory Care

Heneman Family

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Danbury Columbus

Danbury Columbus is an exceptional facility with an even more exceptional staff! Each and every member of the staff is kind, personable, and patient. The level of care and consistency provided by...

Provider response

Hello, Thank you for your wonderful review of our community. We're thrilled to hear that our team has made such a positive impact on your father's journey. Your kind words about our staff and...

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The Cost of Memory Care in Nearby Cities

The majority of seniors in Columbus who need memory care reside in secured wings of assisted living communities. The unique challenges involved in caring for those with memory impairments require a highly skilled team of caregivers, the cost of which is 20-30% more than assisted living. Since there is no report for the cost of memory care, we estimated the price by adding 25% to the cost of assisted living care in the 2021 Genworth Cost of Care Survey.





The United States








Paying for Memory Care in Columbus, OH

When trying to decide how to pay for memory care, one of the first questions that comes up is "How much does it cost?" With the impact of inflation, it's more important than ever to have up-to-date information when making a financial plan for senior living. To help shed light on real senior living prices, has compiled proprietary cost data from its network of more than 75,000 senior living providers to provide insight into the average cost of memory care in Columbus and 53 other cities in Ohio.

Financial Assistance for Memory Care in Columbus

In Columbus, there are options for seniors who need financial assistance paying for Memory Care. For more information about other options, who qualifies, and how to apply, Memory Care in Ohio page.

More ways to pay for memory care in OH

More Ways to Pay for Memory Care

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for memory care, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance memory care costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance memory care, visit our Memory Care in Ohio page.

Inflation's Impact on the Cost of Memory Care in Columbus, OH

Inflation is projected to drive memory care costs in Columbus up 19.1% from $3,795 in 2022 to $4,520 in 2024. This is in line with the projected effect on the nation as a whole, with costs projected to increase from $4,863 to $5,792. Ohio is expected to have a slightly higher inflation rate of 20.7%, from $4,827 to $5,826. Other Ohio cities are expected to see similar increases of 19.1%, including Richmond Heights, Hamilton and Gahanna.

Location2022 Cost (Historical)2023 Cost (Current)2024 Cost (Estimated)
U.S. Average$4,863$5,369$5,792
Richmond Heights$4,710$5,200$5,610

The Costs of Other Types of Senior Living

Seniors can expect costs for senior living to reflect the level of care provided. Price is influenced by factors such as amenities, location and services, among others. In Columbus, assisted living is expensive relative to other options, averaging $4,409 per month. In comparison, memory care averages $4,190 per month while also providing vital, dementia-friendly services. Independent living is on the more affordable end for less intensive care and supervision, averaging $2,945.

Assisted Living


Memory Care


Independent Living


Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in Columbus,OH

There are many resources in Columbus,OH that assist seniors in their retirement. has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.

For information about statewide resources and those in nearby cities, go to Caring’s Ohio state page.

Area Agency on Aging

Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging800-589-7277Ohio's Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) help older adults live independently through a wide range of services that support wellness. They provide assistance with nutritious meals delivered to seniors' homes and work to connect older adults with transportation needs, such as shopping, appointments with health care providers and other errands. Services are also available to help seniors socialize and stay engaged through volunteer opportunities and social events.

Financial Assistance for Senior Care

Columbus seniors wishing to remain in their own homes can find financial assistance from several local resources. These programs and organizations help retirees cover the cost of services such as home care, property modifications and utilities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver Program800-589-7277The PASSPORT Waiver gives seniors the opportunity to choose where and how they receive long-term care by providing services in their communities. Covered services include social work, nonmedical transportation, home-delivered meals and personal care.
Home Relief Grant - Columbus800-282-0880The Ohio Home Relief Grant provides qualifying seniors with monetary assistance for utilities or rent. It's available via the Community Action Agency, so residents must contact their local office to apply. A convenient locator on the State of Ohio website allows Ohioans to find the CAA closest to them. Supporting documentation, including proof of income, identification and unpaid bills, is required during the application process.
Ohio Home Care Waiver800-324-8680The Home Care Waiver helps seniors living at home access necessary support and services such as personal care, home maintenance, home-delivered meals and transportation services.

Cash Assistance Programs

Cash assistance programs in Columbus provide financial support to help low-income retirees remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors and caregivers can apply for tax rebates and reductions, discounts on vital services and help covering the cost of heating and cooling their home.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Ohio Homeowner Assistance Fund888-362-6432The Homeowner Assistance Fund exists to help homeowners throughout Ohio who've experienced financial hardship as a result of COVID-19 or related economic issues. It provides temporary funding for property taxes, utilities, homeowner association fees and mortgage payments.

Food Assistance Programs

Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Columbus seniors afford the nutritious food they need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Broad Street Food Pantry614-221-6552Seniors in need of nonperishable food items, such as dry cereals and oats, pasta and canned foods, as well as other healthy items like fruits, vegetables and dairy products, may be able to obtain them from local food pantries. Food pantries usually operate on a first-come-first-served basis and have their own eligibility requirements so it's usually best to call ahead to determine if food will be available.
Hope Food Pantry614-316-7030Hope Food Pantry, located in Columbus, OH, provides free food to people in need in the local area. A partner of the Mid-Ohio Foodbank, the pantry provides prepackaged grocery bundles to food-insecure seniors and others throughout the community. Food distribution takes place from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays.
LifeCare Alliance Meals on Wheels614-278-3130Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit organization that runs on the kindness of volunteers and donations from local vendors. Its team works to prepare and deliver hot meals to seniors in their homes, typically five days per week. Volunteers also provide some companionship during deliveries and ensure that seniors are safe.
NNEMAP Food Pantry614-297-0533Seniors in need of nonperishable food items, such as dry cereals and oats, pasta and canned foods, as well as other healthy items like fruits, vegetables and dairy products, may be able to obtain them from local food pantries. Food pantries usually operate on a first-come-first-served basis and have their own eligibility requirements so it's usually best to call ahead to determine if food will be available.
SSCM Food Pantry614-444-1669Seniors in need of nonperishable food items, such as dry cereals and oats, pasta and canned foods, as well as other healthy items like fruits, vegetables and dairy products, may be able to obtain them from local food pantries. Food pantries usually operate on a first-come-first-served basis and have their own eligibility requirements so it's usually best to call ahead to determine if food will be available.
Worthington Resource Pantry614-985-1766The Worthington Resource Pantry distributes food to residents of northern Franklin and southern Delaware Counties. This walk-in food pantry is available to all residents whose income falls below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Pantry hours are Saturdays and Mondays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Wednesdays from 3 to 7 p.m. and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Homebound seniors can designate a proxy shopper to shop for them or request Thursday home delivery services.

Many organizations offer free or low-cost legal services to Columbus seniors. Older adults can access advice on issues such as estate planning, living wills and power of attorney. Some firms also act as long-term care ombudsmen, advocating for the rights of seniors in senior living communities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Legal Aid Society of Columbus614-224-8374Low- and moderate-income seniors who need assistance with civil legal matters such as powers of attorney, advance directives and guardianship issues can access free help through the Legal Aid Society of Columbus. Legal Aid employees can arrange to visit clients who are unable to attend in-office meetings due to disability or advanced age.

Senior Engagement

Senior engagement resources and programs in Columbus help older adults remain active and ensure they contribute to the community. Resources include wellness programs, volunteer opportunities, support groups and organizations that help residents connect with the community to live fulfilling lives.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Central Ohio Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association800-272-3900The Central Ohio Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association supports seniors living with Alzheimer's and dementia through free support programs, information and referrals. Seniors or family members who want to know more about memory loss conditions or need referrals to local resources can call the toll-free help line. This organization also offers free educational classes on memory loss, resources for long-term care planning and connections with support groups.

Social Security Offices

Social Security offices in Columbus help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they're entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Columbus Social Security Offices800-772-1213Social Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you'll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working.

Tax Assistance

Seniors can apply for tax assistance from several Columbus resources. Elderly residents and those with disabilities could be eligible for tax exemptions on medical expenses, reductions on property tax and other tax assistance programs.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Ohio Homestead ExemptionThe Homestead Exemption is available to low-income seniors and those with permanent disabilities. It provides property tax credits, allowing homeowners to exempt up to $25,000 of the value of their homes from local tax.

Transportation Assistance

Assistance is available for seniors unable to access or use private transportation. These community resources help elderly and disabled residents make journeys in and around Columbus, allowing them to run errands and attend appointments in the local area.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Central Ohio Transit Authority614-228-1776The COTA is the ADA-compliant regional public transit provider for Central Ohio, and its service areas include Columbus and Westerville. Seniors qualify for discounted fares on all routes, and riders with an ADA card travel for free.

Utility & Energy Bill Assistance

Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. Columbus retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they're in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Ohio Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)800-282-0880The Home Energy Assistance Program is a one-time benefit that helps low-income households cover the cost of their energy bills when they're at risk of disconnection or eviction due to nonpayment.

Veteran's Services

Columbus retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they're eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Columbus, OH Vet Center614-257-5550The Columbus, OH Vet Center provides confidential counseling and support services to veterans without cost. Groups for PTSD and women's trauma recovery help veterans connect, while benefits presentations teach them about VA medical and burial benefits, including which documents to gather and how to file. Workshops and classes are held, along with family and couples counseling and grief and bereavement counseling for those who've suffered recent loss. Mental health therapy helps those struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, anger and trauma.
Franklin County Veterans Service Commission614-525-2500The Franklin County Veterans Service Commission helps older veterans and their dependents obtain state and federal benefits and services. While it's not affiliated with the federal Veterans Administration, its staff can help individuals submit and follow up on applications for veterans' and survivors' pensions and Aid and Attendance benefits.

What to Consider About Memory Care in Columbus

Memory care and assisted living communities are often housed together within the same building, and both are regulated and licensed by the  Ohio Department of Health (ODH), under the umbrella of “residential care facilities.” The ODH is responsible for providing initial licensure and conducting inspections on site to ensure that the community complies with state care regulations.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Memory Care in Columbus

  • Columbus is a member of the AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, which means that the elected leaders of Columbus have made a commitment to work toward making their city more senior-friendly. In the few years since it completed its strategic planning, Columbus has already improved accessibility to seniors when traveling between different neighborhoods. 
  • In Columbus, weather conditions change very quickly no matter what the season, making it difficult to plan anything in advance. With 190 cloudy days each year, Columbus is also considered one of the dreariest cities in the country, particularly during the winter, when it isn’t unusual for residents to go without sunlight for months. In the summer, consistently high humidity levels can make temperatures downright unbearable. Of course, there are always plenty of things to do around town to distract from the unpleasant weather.
  • The cost of living in Columbus averages around 11% less than the national average, making it one of the best cities for seniors who are living on a budget. The city is in the top quarter of U.S. cities for affordability. With the exception of the housing market, the cost of other commodities and services is also below the state and national average. 
  • Getting around the city is more difficult for seniors who live in Columbus than those who live in other cities. The city’s main bus service, COTA, has yet to expand its service to much of the suburbs, and in general the suburbs have a low “walkability” score, making it hard for seniors to get around without a private vehicle. The city is working on solutions to this problem through a special on-demand service called COTA//Plus designed to connect some of the less-traveled areas of Columbus. 
  • Top-notch medical care is scattered across the city, so regardless of where seniors live, they have easy access to advanced treatment facilities and hospitals. Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry is one of the state’s most comprehensive inpatient dementia care centers in the country. The Center for Cognitive and Memory Disorders through the OSU Wexner Medical Center also provides research-driven treatment for seniors throughout the state; the center has conducted more than 100 clinical trials in the field and was the first health care facility in Central Ohio to offer deep brain stimulation. 

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in Columbus

Columbus Memory Care Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Memory Care Facilities in Ohio are required to follow. Visit our Memory Care in Ohio page for more information about these laws.

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in Ohio

Memory Care Facilities near Columbus, OH

WorthingtonGahannaWestervilleHilliardGrove CityPowell

Other Options in Columbus, OH

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