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Assisted Living Communities in Cortland, New York

Located in New York’s Southern Tier region, Cortland sits between Syracuse and Binghamton. The city contains 2 assisted living communities, and 16 more sit in nearby areas. As of 2024,...

Directory of Assisted Living in Cortland, NY

18 Results

Pets AllowedPhysical TherapyPool / Hot TubVeterans BenefitsRespite Care


18 Results

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I was totally against putting my husband in this facility due to their reputation, But my husband is now in there for 3 months and my opinion has changed. I have to say the nurses and staff on the...

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Nearby Cities

The 2024 Genworth Cost of Care Survey puts assisted living costs in Cortland at about $7,826 per month. This rate surpasses the state median by around $2,000 and exceeds the U.S. average by roughly $2,500. Local monthly costs also outpace those in many nearby cities, with facilities in Syracuse charging approximately $5,670 and seniors in Rochester paying about $5,333. 



New York


United States










Paying for Assisted Living in Cortland

Cortland seniors pay an average of $8,075 per month for assisted living care.

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Cortland

New York state residents who qualify for Medicaid can use it to pay for assisted living in Cortland. Those who do not qualify can get help from the Assisted Living Program.

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in New York page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in New York page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Care

Seniors in Cortland typically spend about $7,826 per month on assisted living. Nursing home rates run considerably higher, with seniors paying approximately $14,387 for 24-hour medical care and monitoring in shared rooms. However, home health care agencies charge significantly lower monthly rates of around $1,907.

Home Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Note: Since data for Cortland is unavailable, we used data for the nearest city, Binghamton, instead.

Free Assisted Living Resources in Cortland

Cortland seniors can find various free and low-cost resources to help them with aging in an assisted living facility. Local nonprofits and government agencies can provide transportation access, recreational activities, and information about their rights as assisted living residents. 

Cortland County New York Area Agency on Aging(607) 758-5528The Cortland County AAA provides seniors with a range of services, from health and wellness classes to application assistance and information. It also offers free accessible transportation to seniors who live in outlying areas of Cortland county.
Office for the Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman(855) 582-6769The Long-Term Care Ombudsman assists seniors throughout New York who live in assisted living communities. It acts on behalf of seniors to assure that no one violates their rights, serves as a mediator in disputes and offers referral services when necessary.
Golden Park Program(315) 492-1756This program offers seniors aged 62+ free access to the majority of New York's state parks, boat launches and arboretums, as well as reduced-fee entry to state-operated golf courses and historic sites. Seniors only need to provide their New York state identification card or driver's license.
Truxton Senior Center(607) 842-6984The Truxton Senior Center provides Cortland county seniors a place to congregate and socialize. The Center's activities vary by month and season but include fitness classes, card and board games, Bingo and special social events, all of which seniors can attend for free.
NY Connects(607) 756-3485NY Connects is a free government program that helps connect seniors with the help they need to maintain or improve their health or well-being. Support specialists can offer guidance and advice, assist seniors with applying and enrolling in public assistance programs and connect them with programs across the state that can provide further assistance.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Cortland

Cortland Assisted Living Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Assisted Living facilities in New York are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in New York page for more information about these laws.

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Assisted Living near Cortland, NY


Other Options in Cortland, NY

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