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Assisted Living Communities in Beacon, New York

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Beacon, NY below include 78 Assisted Living facilities with...

Directory of Assisted Living in Beacon, NY

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Hedgewood Home for Adults

I toured Hedgewood Home for Adults. The place was highly institutionalized. The room they showed me was a small box room and not impressive at all. It was directly adjacent to the general...

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Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Inspire of McClelland

Thank god we found this place for my mom, they take good care of her. When ever we go visit she is so happy which makes us happy. 5 star

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Hedgewood Home for Adults

It’s dated, but you can tell they’re making improvements. The residents are friendly. You have a mixed bag of people. The staff is friendly. Food looked delicious and place was very clean....

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Beacon, NY and Nearby Cities

Assisted living rates vary throughout New York depending on location. Watertown is among the pricier cities in the state, with assisted living facilities charging approximately $6,034 per month for care. In the New York area, seniors pay $5,991. Beacon is an affordable alternative to these cities, with assisted living residents paying $5,154 for care. Those seeking more cost-effective options may consider the Buffalo area, where facilities charge $4,565 monthly, or Glens Falls, where rates are the cheapest in the state at $4,235. 



New York


The United States


New York Area


Buffalo Area


Watertown Area


Glens Falls


Paying for Assisted Living in Beacon

Seniors in Beacon pay $5,154 per month for assisted living. By comparison, seniors nationwide pay $4,300 per month for this level of care, and in New York, the monthly rate is a little higher at $4,800.  

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Beacon

The Assisted Living Program offered by the state of New York will pay for a senior’s assisted living facilities as long as a high level of care is required for participants, equivalent to what one would receive in a nursing home. While non-Medicaid applicants are still admitted a small percentage of the time, 90 percent of the people in this program are on Medicaid.

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in New York page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in New York page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Beacon, NY

Compared to other senior care options in Beacon, assisted living is moderately priced at $5,154 monthly. Older adults who live in their own homes may pay slightly less, with agencies charging $4,957 for homemaker services and specialized home health aide services. Local adult day care rates aren’t available for this region, but statewide, seniors pay $1,945 per month for this type of care. Nursing homes provide a higher level of care than assisted living and are costlier at $13,748 for shared rooms and $14,228 for private accommodations. 

Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Nursing Home Facility (private room)


Note: Care cost data for Beacon was not available, so data for the closest city, Poughkeepsie Area, was used instead. 

Free Assisted Living Resources in Beacon

Individuals considering assisted living in Beacon can reach out to several nonprofit organizations and programs that can help them assess their care needs, compare options and identify ways to pay for their care. The following table features resources that provide information, referrals and options counseling.  

Beacon Senior Friendship Center(845) 838-4871The Beacon Senior Friendship Center serves daily congregate meals and organizes recreational activities, such as holiday parties, exercise programs, shopping trips and special events, throughout the year. It also provides services to promote seniors’ safety and quality of life, including blood pressure screenings, stress reduction seminars and nutrition counseling. The center is wheelchair-accessible, and transportation to the center is available to those residing in Beacon.
Office for the Aging(845) 486-2444 (866) 486-2444 ofa@dutchessny.govThe county’s Office for the Aging organizes and administers a range of programs and services to older adults to supplement what they receive in assisted living. Through this agency, older adults access recreation, social and fitness opportunities, options counseling and information and referrals for community-based services. The agency also provides local transportation services for seniors.
Veterans Services(845) 486-2060 veterans@dutchessny.govVeterans can contact the county’s Division of Veterans Services for help with applying for benefits that may cover assisted living expenses, including Aid and Attendance and pension programs, as well as medical and dental coverage, VA life insurance claims and burial benefits. The division also assists individuals with replacing military records, applying for medals, upgrading or correcting military discharges and referrals to other benefit agencies.
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley(877) 574-8529Legal Services of the Hudson Valley provides free civil legal services to qualifying individuals in the Beacon region. Its Elder Law Unit helps older adults with advance care directives, simple estate planning, health insurance and consumer debt issues. The agency can also help older adults obtain public benefits that may help them pay for assisted living, including Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and State Supplementation Program benefits.
Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program(800) 701-0501HIICAP operates a free helpline that older adults can call for one-on-one assistance from trained volunteers. Through this program, seniors get help with understanding their Medicare benefits and comparing Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans, which may be able to help them control medical and assisted living costs.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Beacon

Beacon-area assisted living communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all assisted living communities in New York are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in New York page for more information about these laws.