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Assisted Living Communities in Helena, Montana

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Helena, MT below include 9 Assisted Living facilities with...

Directory of Assisted Living in Helena, MT

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of BeeHive Homes of Helena

I like BeeHive Homes of Helena. It is not as clean as some of the places here, but I believe the staff members are very kind and very attentive, and that's the important thing for my mother. I...

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Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Renaissance Senior Care

Renaissance Senior Care was willing to take mom after the previous place had her admitted to behavioral health. The staff seemed to be very caring and responsive when we did our tour. The community...

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Assisted Living


I am/was a resident of this facility

Review of Touchmark on Saddle Drive

Great place to retire. Staff friendly and helpful. Many activities and always something to do. Food not so good. Often served cool and you do not receive what you ordered. Lots of excuses for...

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Helena, MT and Nearby Cities

In Helena, the cost of assisted living is around $300 less than the state average and $350 less than the national average. Assisted living costs stay fairly consistent across the state. To the west, in Missoula, seniors pay around $500 more on average, and to the south in Billings, seniors pay about $400 more per month. Across the state border in Idaho Falls, care is much cheaper than Helena, costing around $3,500 per month.





United States






Idaho Falls


Paying for Assisted Living in Helena

The average monthly cost of assisted living care in Helena is around $4,150. However, this can vary depending on the exact location of the community and what amenities and services are offered. 

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Helena

The state of Montana offers a number of different programs to help with senior care and those who are living in Helena will be eligible and can apply. Most notably is the Big Sky Home and Community Based Services Program, also as the Elderly/Physically Disabled Waiver. Those who qualify can receive financial assistance for the costs associated with around-the-clock care in an assisted living facility anywhere in the state.

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in Montana page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in Montana page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Helena, MT

The average cost of assisted living, which usually includes room, board and support with activities of daily living, is around $550 cheaper than both in-home care and home health care. In-home care includes assistance with personal care, whereas home health care consists of light medical services. For the highest level of care, more intensive medical services offered in nursing homes cost about $4,400 more on average per month than assisted living. 

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Free Assisted Living Resources in Helena

Seniors in Helena can access a variety of useful free resources. Local and national programs help support seniors by providing information and counseling, as well as activities and support services. The following resources can help to connect seniors with advisors and counselors.

Rocky's Agency on Aging(406) 457-7368Rocky's Area Agency on Aging provides services for seniors across six counties. It offers information and services on programs such as meal assistance, support groups, counseling and respite care. Seniors can also access information regarding Medicare.
Montana Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program(800) 332-2272The Montana Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program supports older adults living in assisted living facilities and other long-term care communities. The program monitors communities and addresses any concerns that residents and their families may have, such as inadequate care, physical or emotional abuse and neglect.
Montana Legal Services Association(800) 666-6899Montana Legal Services Association is a nonprofit law firm that provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals in Montana. Some of their services include helping to fight scams on seniors and helping veterans access benefits. They offer legal counseling, advice and representation.
Tri-County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)(406) 457-7308RSVP matches seniors aged 55 and older with volunteer programs. Older adults can use their lifelong skills or learn new skills while taking part in meaningful volunteer opportunities that benefit their community. Opportunities include volunteering as an ombudsman and assisting with meal preparation for meal programs.
Helena Senior Center(406) 447-1680Helena Senior Center helps older adults through a range of services. There are lunch events and opportunities for socialization and information services. Seniors can find out about income tax assistance, health screenings, Medicare issues and partake in activities such as bingo, art classes and exercise classes.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Helena

Helena Assisted Living Communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all Assisted Living facilities in Montana are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in Montana page for more information about these laws.

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