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Assisted Living Communities in Baltimore, Maryland

Directory of Assisted Living in Baltimore, MD

444 Results

Pets AllowedPhysical TherapyPool / Hot TubVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


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Review of #1 Adoring Adult Care

#1 Adoring Adult Care was immaculate. It was so clean and so well-kept. They are high on my list. The neighborhood was a little so-so, but the house, the lady there, the residents, and everything...

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of Care Transitions

We toured Care Transitions. The nurse, I think his name was Ryan. He was nice. Everything was clear like all her needs would be met. He was able to answer all of our questions. The room was nice....

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Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Newton Manor Assisted Living

My brother is in Newton Manor Assisted Living. He likes it there. It's a small space. It's a private home, and there are only maybe about five men there. He gets along with the men, and he's...

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Area Agency on Aging

Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Baltimore City Division of Aging Services410-396-4932Maryland's Area Agencies on Aging are nonprofit organizations that support the needs of older adults, their families and caregivers across the state. They offer a range of services and programs that promote independent living and help enhance seniors' quality of life. AAAs provide personalized care planning, home-based services, transportation assistance and meal programs. They also offer information and referral services, benefits counseling and caregiver support. Through Maryland's AAAs, seniors can access the resources they need to age with dignity.

Food Assistance Programs

Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Baltimore seniors afford the nutritious food they need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland410-558-0827Meals on Wheels programs provide low-cost meal delivery. Food pantries are a free or low-cost alternative to grocery stores, and government assistance programs empower you to get the nutrition you need in ways that work for you. It's a nationally run organization that feeds isolated seniors in communities across the country, including many in Maryland. Local chapters deliver fresh and frozen meals to those in need throughout the week. Local chapters may have unique food options, delivery schedules and eligibility requirements.
Grace Baptist Church Food Pantry410-235-0784Grace Baptist Church in Baltimore offers a food pantry on Fridays each week. Seniors can bring their own bags to the church to receive free groceries at 11:30 a.m. The types of food offered vary based on donations that week, and there is no requirement to show proof of income to access the pantry.
James McHenry Elementary Middle School Food Pantry410-396-1621James McHenry Elementary Middle School Food Pantry distributes food to seniors and low-income families on an as-available basis from the school parking lot at 31 South Schroeder Street, Baltimore, MD. No prior registration is required, though seniors and caregivers or family members should bring photo ID for all members of the recipient household. It is not necessary to establish low income to receive food assistance. The pantry occasionally distributes warm winter clothing and other necessities as they're available.
Johns Hopkins Bayview Social Work Department Food Pantry410-550-0296Johns Hopkins Bayview Social Work Department operates a food pantry for needy individuals throughout Baltimore. Seniors can visit the food pantry twice a year to receive a grocery bag full of non-perishable food items, such as canned and boxed food. Beneficiaries must have transport to get to and from their homes. The pantry is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.
Maryland Food Bank - Baltimore Office410-737-8282The Baltimore office of the Maryland Food Bank is crucial for seniors seeking food assistance. While the office doesn't distribute food directly, it guides seniors to the nearest Baltimore distribution center for free food. Located at 2200 Halethorpe Farms Road, it operates Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The office is part of a network distributing over 40 million meals annually.
The BIT Center Food Pantry410-547-9934The BIT Center Food Pantry offers in-person grocery service and home delivery of freshly prepared meals for seniors and needy families who live within the pantry's service area. Those who are unable to afford the suggested donation can receive free meal delivery. The pantry also accepts EBT for payment. To participate, seniors can visit the pantry's website and enter their home address in the contact form to establish eligibility. Volunteers deliver meals each weekday, with frozen meals for weekends.
Transforming Life Church Food Pantry410-485-6193Transforming Life Church Food Pantry distributes food to families in need through a partnership with the Maryland Food Bank. It's located on Oakley Avenue, with food pickup services available on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and the fourth Saturday of each month from 12 to 2 p.m. Interested parties should contact the pantry at (443) 985-0867 to confirm eligibility, hours and availability.

Free Used Medical Equipment

Due to the high cost of purchasing new medical equipment, several organizations in Baltimore collect lightly used medical devices such as wheelchairs, ramps and walkers and distribute them to local seniors and residents in need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use Program - Baltimore240-230-8000The Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use program collects donations of equipment from sites throughout Maryland and distributes them to seniors in need. Sites offer basic DME, such as canes and bedrails, and complex DME, such as power wheelchairs, home hospital beds and mechanical lifts.

Many organizations offer free or low-cost legal services to Baltimore seniors. Older adults can access advice on issues such as estate planning, living wills and power of attorney. Some firms also act as long-term care ombudsmen, advocating for the rights of seniors in senior living communities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Maryland Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program - Baltimore County410-222-4257Advocates for the rights of seniors who reside in long-term care facilities in Maryland, the trained volunteers of the Ombudsman Program investigate complaints made by seniors, their caregivers or people in the community about conditions in long-term care facilities. Once they complete their investigations, the ombudsmen work with the senior and the facility to resolve the issue. Ombudsmen also educate the larger community about seniors' rights in long-term care facilities, including the right to privacy, the right to know about their medication and treatment and the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Maryland Legal Aid - Baltimore866-635-2948Maryland Legal Aid's Senior Legal Helpline offers counseling and advice to the elderly. It helps low-income individuals locate pro bono representation in civil matters (although not in criminal cases). Other services include preparing legal documents and helping seniors file for divorce or bankruptcy.

Social Security Offices

Social Security offices in Baltimore help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they're entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Baltimore Social Security Offices800-772-1213Social Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you'll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working.

Utility & Energy Bill Assistance

Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. Baltimore retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they're in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Utility Assistance - Baltimore800-332-6347The Maryland Office of Home Energy offers a financial assistance program for low-income families who are unable to afford their electricity or heating bills. The program pays your utility bills directly if you're short on funds, and you don't need a turn-off notice to qualify.

Veteran's Services

Baltimore retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they're eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Baltimore VA Medical Center410-605-7000Baltimore VA Medical Center serves veterans in Baltimore, MD. Veterans can visit the Eligibility and Enrollment Center to apply for primary care and health specialty services, including cancer treatments, cardiology services, vision rehabilitation and oral surgery. Patient advocates are available by phone during office hours on weekdays, providing assistance with health concerns and patient and family rights. Veterans with life-threatening illnesses or urgent medical issues can contact the emergency care unit, which responds to calls any time of the day.
Baltimore Vet Center410-764-9400The Baltimore Vet Center offers a range of confidential counseling services to veterans. Those struggling with substance abuse can receive referrals to community organizations as can those seeking local resources to help readapt to civilian life or achieve their goals. Veterans can learn about their VA benefits, including where to register for care and file claims. Family, couple, individual and group counseling are offered for those struggling with issues such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, anger and military sexual trauma.
Loch Raven VA Medical Center410-605-7650The Loch Raven VA Medical Center provides a variety of healthcare services for veterans in Baltimore. This location offers primary care and a wide range of specialty care options including podiatry, physical therapy, optometry, hearing, speech, skin care and vision rehabilitation. Veterans have access to caregiver services such as respite care and counseling. The campus also has an ATM, an all-faiths chapel, a beneficiary travel self-service system, a volunteer-run coffee station for visitors and an outpatient clinic.

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