(800) 558-0653

Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center

710 North Sun Drive, Lake Mary, FL 32746

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Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center

Lake Mary, Florida 32746


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About Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center in Lake Mary, Florida

Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center is a Senior Living provider in Lake Mary, Florida that offers residents Nursing Homes services. Contact Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center for more details on services and rates.

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Reviews of Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center in Lake Mary, Florida


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June 17, 2023

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

This was a bad decision on my part. Do the research. Mom had fallen and needed rehab so we were provided with a list of rehab facilities at the hospital. This facility was close to where we live, so we selected it We are now in the process of moving her to a place that will truly care, communicate and help her. My advice take time and visit the facilities you're considering. You can do yourself and your loved one a favor and mark this one off the list immediately. Not worth a visit!



April 10, 2022

I am/was a resident of this facility

This is absolutly the worse place I have ever been at. Was admitted after bladder cancer surgery. Food was deplorable. Medications were never on time and I had to chase down nursing to remind them to give me my medicine. After a week there I got dressed and tried to leave the facility¹. They refused to let me leave so I had to call the police who were very helpful and put these people in their place. I would never recommend this place to anyone ever.

Bonnie D


January 23, 2022

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I was somewhat forced to place my husband in this facility by the hospital case manager because LMNR provided a bed quickly when referral was placed. I should have heeded the warnings of others with their reviews. I had my husband removed from this facility after 2 weeks of little to no care. No bath or mouth care by facility staff, he only got care if I did it. Left to lay in bed however he was placed, no covers, tray not close enough to reach, several times call light was not working. Only PT that was done—which was one of the reasons he was there, was getting into wheelchair and being left for hours to sit in pain and beg for someone to put him back to bed. CNA’s would drag him over side of wheelchair into the bed and not even reposition him properly. Room was always messy, trash and linen all over, floors not mopped for days unless requested. Rude nurse who worked there, argumentative and threw his dressing material on him and told him “you can do this yourself” after my husband told her that it was not the way the doctor had requested it to be done. Several complaints made to directors and administrators with only “short fixes” to the problems.

Community Worse


October 26, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

This place should be shut down and fully INVESTIGATED. Too patients not cared for and far too many accidents for the lack of care not given. Your love one is paying for care and not getting the quality care their paying for. Staff is very short at this facility, so your love ones are neglected & suffering . It is very sad that the elderly residents are not cared for as they deserve, i.e. call lights unanswered, grooming non-existent, never re-positioning bedridden residents, not helping residents with meals having them sit in halls instead of the dining area to be served Not enough Staff, 1 CNA having to caring for 8 to 10 beds.per day & serve meals. Too few Nurses not available when patients need their timely medications those who have wounds not properly cleaned. to see residents begging to be clean from there beds. it is Very sad. No compassion. No communication among Directors staff everyone just there for a check at your love one expense. So SAD!😢



October 25, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I would rather have my sick/dying relative be sent to a homeless camp in the woods to be cared for by a crack addict or heroin junkie then to send them to LMHR again. The CNA's were great- the nurses were OK- the discharge planner was horrible. They did not read the hospital d/c instructions and were asking me what they were. He was d/c to the SNF from the hospital. They did not do adequate wound care- we had to ask more than 10 times about having the sutures removed from his chin- and they didn't do anything about the staples until after I mentioned possible infection. Then miraculously they read the d/c instructions and he had an appointment with the orthopedic. I will say that the physical therapy was great- the nurses and CNAs were good- and Alba at the front desk was super nice. The discharge planner/ case manager - was condescending- patronizing and we are home 3 days- the Home health care agency still doesn't have the referral for physical therapy and nursing- the durable medical equipment company didn't receive the order until late Friday afternoon- so he has been home 3 days with no equipment. Save yourself and your loved one the hassle and frustration and find a facility that has a competent discharge planner so that you have your discharge needs met.

Debbie O.


October 6, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I should have read all of the negative reviews prior to sending my mother to this place! I assumed it was located in a good area and based on all the information on the website, there was skilled nursing, but I was wrong!!! I have to echo all the negative reviews because I had many of the same negative experiences. DO NOT send your loved ones here! The place is depressing and unsafe!!! During the day time the staff appears to be helpful and caring, but at night , nurses are lazy, incompetent and don't seem to care!!! I pulled my mother out within 1 day of being here and I thank God I did, if not she would have died due to their lack of responsibility and care!!! Facility Director and Admissions Care Liaison are a complete Joke! My heart breaks for all of the other residents who do not have advocates to watch, observe and speak on their behalf!



June 25, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Please do not admit your loved ones here. There are a few nurses that care but a ton that are just there for a paycheck. My grandmother was recently at this facility for rehab (that department was amazing) from a stroke. They let her fall by not having the proper safety equipment in place and the response from one of the nurses was people fall all the time. My grandmother had memory loss and the nurses would challenge her during our visits rather than aide her. My family was torn because the physical therapy ppl actually cared and are good at what they do but the nurses and CNA's and even admin don't GAF. I'm not sure how this place is still even open. It's a disgrace to healthcare. DON'T DO IT!

calling out laziness and abuse.


June 20, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

When they do anything it's very basic. The ball on communication is always dropped.

Step-Daughter of Rehab resident


May 19, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Stay away from this place! Their negligence nearly cost my step-dad his life! My step-dad had a seizure and consequently a stroke because they did not give him his meds. This was confirmed by blood tests at the hospital ... no trace of his meds in his body. And to top it off, he arrived at the hospital with COVID, which he got from the facility since he did not have that when he entered there! Please do not put your loved one here!

Dee the shopper


May 6, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

The staff does not come when you call them when they do come they reply I can’t help you that’s not my job. They run out the medicines and you are without them for a couple of days. The residents are screaming 😱 and yelling for help always. They don’t answer the phone . They don’t bathe the residents. There is blood 🩸 and wastes all over the beds and floor. I pulled my dad out he fell and they made him stay on the floor for an hour before they did anything and transferred him to the hospital he ended up with a black eye 👁 and bruises all over his body. I DO NOT RECOMMEND AT All!! STAY AWAY!



April 17, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I am not able to visit as I live so far away. I have the hardest time getting through on the phone to be able to talk to my aunt. Drives me nuts!



April 7, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mom was in this facility for a month, from mid-December 2020 until mid-January 2021. She was admitted with Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome and the doctor from South Seminole Hospital felt after a month at rehab she should see great cognitive improvement. I had red that another woman's dad passed away within 3 weeks of being at this facility and told my dad we needed to select another. He didn't listen so she was sent here. So she was admitted with severe cognitive impairment and failure to thrive. She had a feeding tube in as well. Due to the restrictions placed on the facility because of COVID only 1-2 people could visit and could only do so for 15 minutes at a time. That is not enough to ensure safety and care for a loved one. My mom was left to her own vices for the most part. She removed her feeding tube from her stomach after 2.5 weeks of being there. No one could explain how or when she did it and no one could explain what happened or what she did with the GI tube. So she removed it and did god knows what with it. She used to be a nurse and on one phone call claimed her roommate needed it more than she is that what happened? Not sure and never will be sure. Because she removed it on her own the wound was nasty and there were several leftover sutures around the wound as well. The facility took her to a Gastroenterologist to be examined. He did nothing in office but look at it and then told my dad they would schedule her to see a surgeon at South Seminole Hospital to have the sutures removed and wound examined fully. At that time she was catheterized as well so they wanted her bladder examined. All seemed ok, except at time of discharge. Her insurance refused to give her more than a month so my dad paid out of pocket for an extra week and a half. I guess the facility decided then that they did not have to care for her anymore because the little care she was getting stopped. On day of discharge she smelled like urine and looked about as good as the day she went in. I called the facility after getting her home to ask about the lack of information on her wound, ya know from removing the feeding tube herself (she used to be a nurse so this plus the fact she is cognitively impaired made her a walking liability); the woman I spoke to said the sutures were removed and the hole would just heal up. She said I didn't have to do anything further. So I thought well, what about the dressing and the woman on the phone said there is no dressing. I thought this was odd, but had not had a chance to examine my mom. The next day I took a look at the dressing. It was bad. I managed to get my mom into a bath when I was able to remove the tape, which told me the dressing had been on the wound for awhile. The tape peeled off some skin and revealed a horrible stench. The wound was not only hot to the touch, puffy and infected, but those sutures....they were still there!!! So now establishing my mom with a doctor became impairtive because she had an active infection. Our home nurse came the next day and confirmed it prior to our first PCP appointment. At the PCP's office they removed the sutures and cleaned out the wound plus gave us medicine for the infection. But this should have been cared for in the facility where she ripped out the tube to begin with!!!! While at the facility she was able to roam and visit other residents as well. She called it "making her rounds" every night as she used to be a nurse. Everyone knew who she was because she would not just stay in her room and no one helped ensure she did. The care staff also allowed her to be discharged with a large bag of soiled linens, dirty diapers, other people's medicine and other people's belongings. When we initially got home and I realized this we called the facility and they begged we just send it to them and not the individuals she took items from. So we did. But, had she been monitored better these things would never have happened. The infection could have spread into her blood from the lack of care she received here and thank god it didn't. I just feel this should be shared so others understand that this facility doesnt provide quality care whatsoever and having a loved one in this facility could be potentially dangerous because of the amount of negligence they show when it comes to their patients.

My Moms Advocate


March 20, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My Mom was admitted to this facility last week, just a day before a mandatory closure of the facility due to the Coronavirus. My very sick mother was a patient, we could not visit the facility, and couldn't reach my Mom by phone. She is not able to get up, and has a hard time speaking due to oxygen and fluid on her lungs. For nearly five days, we were at the staffs consideration to know our Mom's condition, they are rude. We felt as if we were bothering them. She got sent out by ambulance for oxygen levels being 63, after our Mom complained of shortness of breath for two days. Nobody contaced our family until 11:00 the following day. My Mom was alone, scared, and we didn't even know she was going through the trauma. Do not allow your family memebers here!!! By the way, thnk you Gwen for not reading the card, with the flowers, sent to my Mom. Sorry that it was an inconvience to you.



March 18, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Because we are under restrictions due to CoVID-19, our ability to visit is greatly hindered, which directly affects the care a patient receives. Preventative measures that our family would’ve taken, such as frequent visits and eating meals together, are not possible at this time. He’s unable to advocate for himself due to his weakness and confusion. My father has been in this facility a sum total of 28 hours, and every last minute has been a nightmare. The facility has my father listed as "nothing by mouth," (NPO) which is a serious issue. He was NOT listed as NPO when he left the hospital. He was eating and drinking. Yes, he has a PEG tube, but that's a supplement, not a replacement. He has not been offered water, juice, or anything else in the last 28 hours. This is unacceptable in every way. The nurse told our family that the NPO order was established by the receiving physician, “Dr. Bala,” after reviewing his records from the hospital. Also, in this time, he fell after being left alone to use the bathroom. He had assistance getting to the bathroom, which was most definitely required, but left him alone telling him to call for help when he was done. It took almost 10 hours to get the result of that x-ray and we had to call the nurse to get it. I have even greater concern and trepidation about leaving my father in this facility one second longer. While his x-ray comes back as “okay,” there are others GLARING issues. Dad has bleeding ulcers caused by Meloxicam. When we asked what medication he’s taking for pain, and the answer was “Meloxicam for neck pain.” This is a tremendous error. When asked how he was taking this since he was NPO, the nurse said she was “crushing it in his PEG tube.” Lastly, my father has been in isolation at the hospital for ESBL in urine and all hospital staff and visitors were required to wear personal protective equipment (gown, gloves, etc.). That continues to be unresolved. We were told that no matter where he went, he would continue to require that isolation. However, I’m astonished to learn that my dad has a roommate. According to the nurse, that patient and his family do not need to be aware of the potential risk because there’s “no possible way” there could be exposure. The potential exists for anyone that comes into this room that they can be exposed: cath bags break, things get spilled, etc.

Friend Visiting


March 4, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Visited a friend there for a couple of hours. Friend had met with the Dietician that very morning about the fact that they were giving her SALTED food. She was to be on a Salt-free diet given her condition. I was there when lunch came and it was the same "general" lunch everyone gets. The Lactose milk she should have gotten never arrived either. I pushed the Nurse button and 15 minutes later, still no one showed up. When my friend's son arrived I told him to watch for response to Nurse button and discuss the food problem as well. On my way out I told the gal at the window what was needed. Don't know what was done and will call my friend today to find out but if a patient rings their bell it should be answered in a timely manner. 15 minutes OR MORE is really not good especially when my friend is on full oxygen, isn't being monitored for her heart and has a heart condition, meaning she could have been in distress and no one came.

Sally Spencer


September 4, 2019

I am/was a resident of this facility

Only been here for two days but I want to comment on the most wonderful afternoon I had. A nice lady named JoE joe came in to my room and said I am going to give you a bubble bath. I really thought she was kidding and was taking me for a shower. Well, she was not kidding. She gave me the best bubble bath I’d ever had. Turned out to be the most fun spa day. I had a bubble bath, wash my hair and blow dried and style it. I felt like a million bucks when she finished. She has the place all fixed up like a little spa. Including soft music. It was a wonderful experience. Had so much fun. Thank you Joe joe for such a fun day.❤️ IMG_0967.JPG

Connie B


March 8, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My dad went here after one week in the hospital for rehab and strengthening so he could get surgery for his hydrocephalus. He was admitted on a Friday and didn't have a doctor assigned to him until my mom complained on Monday! This hospital is severely understaffed. My mom was pressured immediately after admittance by the financial office to sign a contract for care after his insurance benefits ended in 20 days because the "per diem price was going to go up." Because he had some dementia from the hydrocephalus and kept trying to get out of bed himself (and falling), they placed him in a wheelchair by the nurse's station. Because of being short-staffed, there was no one at the station to monitor him and he was freezing. After being there 3 weeks, he died of septic shock. My mom wasn't even told that he had an infection but she did notice that he had vomit on his clothes when she took them home to wash 2 days before he died. She was there everyday! We didn't find out that the cause of death was "severe healthcare related pneumonia" until my mom received the death certificate. No care for an infection was provided for him before they rushed him to the hospital on the day he died because his blood pressure was terribly erratic. We are grieved at the care he received here.



November 29, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I myself wouldn't even rate them with one star, but it was necessary. The former resident was sent there with a broken ankle and was recovering from COPD asperation from the hospital. She was there one and a half months. She became very disoriented, refused to eat, and take medicine. I was told it was the holidays, and they become depressed. They tried to force her to eat. They finally did a UTI test on a Friday. Results came back on Monday. She had an infection. By Monday night, she became so ill that her blood pressure was very low. She was taken to the hospital and was treated for Sepsis. She was severely ill. She will never go back there. Some of the staff didn't return calls and were rude. One nurse was magnificent, and treated her like she would her own mother. According to the patient the food wasn't that great either, but she did eat until she became very ill. She had rash from her disposable underwear not being changed properly and the infection.



July 25, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Except for one can the staff was terrible. My sister was there about 3 weeks. She was left all night without being checked on, laying in urine. She was afraid for me to say anything. She told me aftoI said something to a nurse “now I’m in for it. You just don’t know”. The lady in the next bed said she was given the wrong Meds and she was told to call corporate. I asked for assistance to help my sister to the bathroom and was told “she doesn’t walk, if she falls its on me”. I replied that she was having rehabilitation and was walking for them. She reluctantly helped with her and when she ready to come out the same nurse told me “she ready” and left the room. I had to get her back to the bed myself. I asked the RN, who only stands at her podium watching her computer screen, for an extra blanket I received a snotty attitude and sigh of discuss. If the staff doesn’t want to their job, they need to get out of the profession. They need a serious house cleaning. I called the complaint line and was told I would receive a call back. That was July 8, 2018 and I’m still waiting as of July 25.

Leann King


July 2, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Our Dad, Paul is being cared for at Lake Mary Rehab. His health situation is very complicated. We greatly appreciate the staff! Despite many obstacles, they show compassion for our situation. Shalanta continues to guide us and we greatly appreciate her and her team. The nurses and staff are very kind and professional. I could list everyone by name but, there are too many wonderful people to list. Our journey continues and appreciate all they are doing to help!

Mr. K


June 28, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I am surprised at what I read below. I have had my 94 year old mother in this facility twice. On both occasions she was well treated with great care and concern. On the second occasion care givers that worked with my mother two years earlier came up to say :Hi" to her when ever we would walk that halls. Sadist think I saw was other patients left all week with no families visiting them. Then only complain when they came on the weekend for 2 hours. This facility has great set of quite places to take you love one to talk, play cards or board games or sit outside under shade or in the sun just to get them out of their beds and rooms. It really helped to encouraged the mending of 6 broken ribs by getting her moving.

sandy bove


February 15, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Lovely facility. Staff is caring and responsive great experience

Scotty A


November 27, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother said it best, "I wouldn't put a dog in that place." The facility is filthy, the staff is either rude or clueless or both. One of the nurses brought my father medication and when asked what he was giving him he said, "I can't remember." "You can't remember?" "I've got 30 people I'm giving meds to, I can't keep it all straight." We were nearly too shocked to respond. We were told it was a "5-Star" facility. My father said, "I'd hate to see what a 3-star place is like." We had to contact my father's oncologist *on Thanksgiving day* to get him taken back to the ER (he was admitted a few hours later due to his declining condition.) He came out worse than he went in. If the hospital recommends this place to you or your family, simply refuse. I wish we had known and could have done that. I hope whoever runs that disgusting place and takes money from insurance companies has difficulty sleeping at night. They should.

Not a good place for care..


November 4, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother was brought to that facility, five years ago, then my father got ill shortly after. My parents always been a loving couple, the have demonstrated to be in love despite their over 50 plus years happily married. During my mother first 4 years in the facility, she wasca able to maintain her average weight, she was receiving a fair care avoiding excessive driness on her back. This year for the first time during those 5 years my mother weight have gone low and lower more than never in her live. The level of care have disninished greatly to the point that recently when i was visiting her, during most of the time ny nother food was forgotten. Orvif it was taken to the room,, no one took at least a second to make my mother food accessible for her to eat. Ibdont recommend this place to no body at all. I believe that mission in a facility like that need to be, care, love, dedication understanding. No, is notva good place. Zero star rated



September 3, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

this place is a JOKE. my mom was there for 21 days and she was in worse shape when she left then when she went there. they were told not go give my mom oxy it makes her mental abuse worse and they gave her oxy. please never send a loved one. a friend to this place

Shelley West


August 6, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Do not leave your loved one at this place. My grandmother was left sitting in a wheelchair with a very low blood pressure and then they called their own non emergency ambulance to take her to the hospital. We ended up calling 911 so that she could go and get help. So sad that this is how they treat a patient who has a lot of family visiting. I can only imagine what happens to the patients who have no family support or visitors.



June 21, 2017

I visited this facility

Worst place ever! If you are sick, you will get sicker going there. My dad fell out of his bed the first night. I asked specifically for someone to watch him and to put up the railing. He was supposed to be checked every fifteen minutes. He said he laid of the floor after falling for a half an hour, bleeding from his elbow and knee. It terrified him. He had to be sent to the hospital. Most of his clothes were missing. Been a month, never been found. I called seven times. The room is so small, there is no room for a visitor.. Zero stars.



February 26, 2016

I am/was a resident of this facility

While I have only resided in this facility one week, I have seen the most professional and caring nurses and CNAs in three different facilities. Nurses who speak with authority and yet, have very caring personalities. CNAs who would give more loving attention if they only had time. When staff and patients work together with patience and understanding, then everyone is happier. My stay is very enjoyable and I have been treated well.



May 3, 2015


Please don't go here, not enough staff, my father fell twice the first night, he was there for rehabilitation, and had alzehehimers, needless to say he died 3 days later



April 19, 2015

I am a friend or relative of a resident

We chose Lake Mary Health and Rehab for my father-in-law. He was just in there for the rehab program. It was an excellent facility and clean. The folks were very courteous. The food was good. The attention to detail and the attention that the nurses and the physical therapy gave him were excellent. I would absolutely recommend them.



February 25, 2015

I am/was a resident of this facility

Lake Mary Health and Rehabilitation Center is where we had a lot of problems. Individually, the staff that they hired was all exceptionally professional -- the therapists did great therapy work, the nurses did great nursing work -- but the teamwork and the communication can undermine that so often. The social worker who was trying to help us was in tears more than once because she worked so hard to get things done, and then it all fell apart because of that poor communication. They had an interior garden -- which was really nice -- and a little butterfly garden -- which was part of the therapy area -- and my parents really loved going out and just sitting in their wheelchairs in the garden area on nice days. They had a big dining room and a big activity room, and the facilities were pretty clean, but not well managed. My father had hearing aids, for example, and we lost his pair of hearing aids three times in the short time that they were there. The staff would come in and help my dad get to the bathroom, but they wouldn't bother checking to see that his hearing aid fell out because that wasn't their job, and then the cleaning staff would come in and clean it up and put it on the nurses' station, but they wouldn't tell the nurses it was there or who it belonged to.



July 3, 2014


They got a check for the month of May $7080 to admit my Uncle after a stroke and my Uncle died 4 days after his admission. We have email/called several times to get the $6,000+ refund and have no one get back in contact with me. As Executor of the estate - I cannot complete settlement since I do not have the refund check as of this date 7/3/14. I think they have ample time to comply!!!!!!!!



February 1, 2014

I am a friend or relative of a resident

Lake Mary is a great place, very clean, friendly staff. The staff's work ethics is very good. The rooms are nice. They do exercise, they have a library there. They have a staff that is attentive.



November 28, 2012

I am/was a resident of this facility

The hospital where my husband was at placed him in rehab at Lake Mary. He's getting therapy there. The facility is fair and actually very clean. I find the staff quite fine, but food isn't very good.



June 25, 2012

I am a friend or relative of a resident

Alzheimers part of this rehab/alzheimers facility has very old beds, however rehab part is fine. Nursing staff at alzheimers section are good but admissions took 2 weeks to provide enrollment/orientation papers for signing. Alzheimers section seems to be a small and unimportant part of overall facility.

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Medicare Provider Number: 106029
    Ownership Type: For profit - Corporation
    Rating Date: 9/1/2023

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