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Assisted Living Communities in Bismarck, North Dakota

Our comprehensive listings and authentic reviews in Bismarck, ND below include 10 Assisted Living facilities with...

Directory of Assisted Living in Bismarck, ND

10 Results

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Reviews of Communities Nearby

Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of The Terrace

The staff is super. The rooms are nice and the food is good. It is the best kept secret in Bismarck. Denise, Corrine, Sandy, Darin, Twana, Sheila and the whole staff go above and beyond to bring...

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Assisted Living


I visited this facility

Review of The Terrace

We toured the Terrace, which is assisted living only. I had no problems with it at all, but my sister wasn't happy with it. In her opinion, it was too much like an old folks' home, which it wasn't....

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Assisted Living


I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Review of Hay Creek Lodge

My mother moved into Hay Creek Lodge. They have a lot of group activities, which is nice. My mom likes the socialization. She has two bedrooms. It's more like an apartment setting, so you can have...

Provider response

Hello! We want to thank you for leaving a positive review with us. Here at Hay Creek Lodge, we strive to give our residents, family members, and staff excellent care. We hope to continue having...

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Bismarck, ND and Nearby Cities

Bismarck’s assisted living costs are generally on the lower end of the cost spectrum. Prices in the city come in under the U.S. average by $790. Bismarck’s rates are higher than the North Dakota average of $3,391 and prices in Grand Forks, which stand at $2,200. Fargo’s costs, however, are higher than Bismarck’s by $130. Rates in neighboring states also tend to be higher, with Rapid City, SD, at $3,914 and Minneapolis, MN, at $5,163.



North Dakota


United States


Grand Forks




Rapid City, SD


Minneapolis, MN


Paying for Assisted Living in Bismarck

Bismarck residents can expect to pay about $3,710 per month for assisted living services. However, costs may vary according to the level of care required and the amenities and living arrangements chosen.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Bismarck, ND

Assisted living is actually the lowest-priced option for senior care in Bismarck. Seniors who wish to remain in their own homes might choose an adult day health care program, but they will pay over $1,500 more per month for it. In-home care and home health care are higher yet, with a price of $7,823. Nursing home care comes in highest at over $6,600 more than assisted living.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Adult Day Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Free Assisted Living Resources in Bismarck

Seniors in Bismarck can access abundant resources to help them remain active and find the services they need. They can participate in Burleigh County’s Senior Adults Program, contact the state’s Aging and Adult Services department for assistance and get in touch with a long-term care ombudsman, veterans office or legal aid provider as necessary.

Burleigh County Senior Adults Program(701) 255-4648Seniors who join the Burleigh County Seniors Adults Program gather for daily meals and many activities, including crafts, exercise sessions and games. Coffee and conversation, support groups and movies are popular as well. Transportation is available, and the program offers Meals on Wheels for home-bound seniors.
Aging and Adult Services(855) 462-5465North Dakota's Aging and Adult Services program connects seniors with the resources they need to choose the right level of care, find care providers and report abuse. The program also offers resources for family caregivers. Seniors and their families and caregivers can participate in webinars and other educational opportunities.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program(855) 462-5465The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program provides advocacy for residents of long-term care facilities. The ombudsman educates seniors and their families about their rights, handles complaints and tries to solve problems in a way that promotes residents' safety and interests. The ombudsman also works with facilities to improve quality.
Burleigh County Veterans Service Office(701) 222-6698Veterans and their families can contact Burleigh County Veterans Service Office to learn about benefits and receive help applying for them. Benefits may include health care, life insurance, financial assistance, transportation and burial. The office will guide seniors through the process of qualifying for such benefits.
Legal Aid Services of North Dakota(866) 621-9886Legal Aid Services of North Dakota provides free legal help to qualifying seniors ages 60 and older. This assistance may include counsel or legal representation, depending on the case. Self-help materials are also available. The program's Tax Project offers free income tax preparation and filing.

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