(800) 558-0653

West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center

800 W Miner St, West Chester, PA 19382

(800) 558-0653 (Caring Family Advisor™)

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(17 reviews)

Care Offered: Nursing Homes and Assisted Living
West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center

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West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center

West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382


(17 reviews)

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Nursing Homes, Assisted Living

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two bedroom apartment, studio, one bedroom apartment

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Independent Living, Continuing Care Communities, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living

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Freedom Village at Brandywine

Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320

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one bedroom apartment, two bedroom apartment, studio, condo

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About West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center in West Chester, Pennsylvania

Offering skilled nursing, medical and rehabilitative care for patients and residents. Whether for a short stay or for an extended period, our Clinical Care Teams are focused on implementing personalized care programs to facilitate recovery and improve well-being.

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Reviews of West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center in West Chester, Pennsylvania


(17 reviews)

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April 30, 2024

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My grandfather was at the West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. It was terrible. I didn't like anything. They were always short-staffed. We had to hire certified people to help him get up and do his ADLs every day, so they were not a help. His room was small and cramped. It smelled like urine throughout the building. There was a lot of crying from the residents. It's not a good place. However, the staff was kind, and the food was OK.



February 27, 2024

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

West Chester Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center looks good from the outside, but not so good on the inside. I didn't realize that my aunt's room is like a hospital room, and there are two people in it, and all you have is a bed, a little tiny bureau with three drawers, a TV on top of it, one kitchen chair, about a 20-inch closed cabinet, and a toilet in the room. That's it. You live in that room for the rest of your life. The staff is OK. I saw the activity room. Most of the time it was empty. One time when I was there, I think they were playing bingo. There were maybe 10 to 15 people there.



November 27, 2022

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Horrible, my dad had to go here for physical therapy and one of the worst experiences.

Mary Ann Jane


December 19, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Not enough nurses to care for patients. They fall, they beg for help. Cry for water. Why all the care takers are on there phone's. Bed ate air mattress. No bar on the beds and patents are always falling out of there beds. The staff leaves there food on the table and walk away. Half of the paying adults are left to feed them self's. Never checked on by the staff. This is barbaric Facility Should be Closed Down. No Love, no compation, No Empathy.

Provider Response

We would like to address the situation you have described. I would like to get some more details about your experience with us. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.



October 14, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mother 82 yr old mother has been in shortterm care at Brandwine. Last night I received a callfrom her that the nurse refused to get her a bedpan or assist her to use toliet. She was forced to use a trashcan in her room. At 12 noon today..urine still on floor and ants crawling over it. This place is a horror show and most of the staff are monsters! No help from managers. Would like someone to explain how this is acceptable. Our elderly deserve do not deserve this type of treatment! If you are not going to accept my review please have the decency to direct me to someone who will hear whats going on.

Provider Response

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your recent experience. We are disappointed to hear that you are not satisfied with your visit. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.



September 10, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My husband is in Brandywine Hall. It was a place where they had all of the services that he needed, and he needed a great deal of care. They're giving him very good care and he's also getting hospice care from another provider. Like with so many of these facilities, they are having problems maintaining staff because of COVID. There's a lot of extra things to do, but they're coping well. I think mostly there's not enough of them. His menu is limited because of his problems with eating. I would say that from a medical perspective, the food is fine. It's nourishing and that's good fun. Just from a general appeal perspective, it could be better, but I don't think that's important in his situation. They have a whole schedule of activities for the residents that are appropriate to the different capabilities that the residents have. My husband is not able to participate in many activities, but they're available. Their facilities are very clean and utilitarian. They could have more high appeal, I suppose, but they're not ugly and they're not old. It's shocking how expensive long-term care is anywhere. But I would say that compared to other places in Pennsylvania, particularly in the general area, I think that the cost is pretty much appropriate.

Provider Response

Hi Susan, thank you so much for your positive comments about Brandywine Hall! If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

C. Geiger


August 6, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I took my father here for rehab after two weeks in the hospital. It looked nice from the outside, but when we got to his room I started to feel uncomfortable. But we unpacked his bag and the aid and my husband made his bed. It was a shared room and there was seemed like a very ill man in the other bed. There were soiled tissues all over the floor, but I figured maybe he had dropped them on his way to the shared bathroom. Dad wanted to use the shared bathroom, so I opened the door and looked in. There were soiled adult diapers on the floor, soiled clothing on the floor, bags of bottles on the sink. I called for housekeeping and found a common rest room in the hall that was clean for Dad to use. The aid ordered him a tray for dinner. Housekeeping came and we went across the hall to the common dining area, which food crumbs on the floor. At this point, I decided if they couldn't get housekeeping right, what else could happen. I decided we were not staying. I called for the nursing supervisor and asked if they had a social worker on staff. I packed up Dad's stuff, and we waited in the dining hall for the nursing supervisor, which took over an hour. When she finally arrived I told her we were leaving. No questions, I'm sure she knows how bad her facility is. We left and I took my Dad back to the hospital where he spent the night in the ER while I arranged private care for him at home for the next day. A nightmare. Don't take any one you love or even slightly care for to this hell hole.

Provider Response

We would appreciate the chance to turn your experience around and address the situation you have described. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.

Patrice Miller


December 1, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

There are many problems with the care at Brandywine Hall. The most upsetting, to me is that my sister is regularly brought the wrong medication. Often medication is brought that she has never seen, and has not been ordered for her. Obviously it is medication meant for some other patient. I have told her not to take anything without first taking a picture of the meds, and texting me that picture. The sheer number of times that she has been brought the wrong meds is frightening. I have at least 15 times in the last 3 months that this has happened. My sister was unable to shower for over 6 months. For a little while she was able to get a shower, then they stopped. Apparently there is only one shower that works for the whole facility. My sister also needs a low salt diet. For a while she was able to get a lower salt diet, it is not something that she can depend on being observed. My sister and her roommate are confined to their room. She calls it her cell. She desperately wants to get her therapy, and to walk so she can get into an independent living facility. She caught COVID-19 in March at Brandywine Hall. The only “quarantine” was jailing the patients . Getting her out of the facility to get treatment was a fight that would take pages to describe. Brandywine Hall is owned and operated by Genesis Health Care. The bill that is shared with my sister and the State is over $4000 a month. Genesis Healthcare should be ashamed and regulated. What they are doing at Brandywine Hall is horrible. They should be ashamed of themselves. Don’t send a loved one to this place.

Provider Response

We would like to address the situation you have described. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.



November 18, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My Aunt has been at this facility for about a year and got Covid while here. Fortunately she recovered with little to no problems. While we understand the concerns with CDC guidelines we cannot understand why someone has to go weeks before getting a shower! The resident room only has a sink and toilet and residents use a communal shower that is assigned to specific floors/rooms. Pre-Covid my aunt was getting two showers a week. Once Covid hit they eliminated showers and residents were to receive in room bathing (bed or sink sponge baths). After the Covid numbers started settling down showers were resumed but only "one a week". This lasted for only a few weeks. Apparently the one shower assigned to my Aunt's room had a leak and repairs needed to be made. As of today it has been over "3 weeks" since she has received a shower. She has been trying to bath herself from the sink from a wheelchair and hasn't had her hair washed in all this time. I've called every week asking when showers will resume. Each week its a different excuse. Last week I was told the maintenance was finished and the "once a week" shower would resume this week. As of today there is still is no shower scheduled! I called again this morning and was told they still don't know when showers will resume. I find it extremely hard to believe that in this day and age that it takes over 3 weeks to fix a shower!!!! I've inquired about using another shower as there are more in the facility but have been told they cannot use them due to CDC guidelines. Family has not been able to visit the room since March due Covid lockdowns. In the best of times when they were receiving the normal two showers a week the room always smelled like urine. One can only imagine what it smells like now given my aunt nor her room mate have had a shower in weeks. The family is very upset about this situation and the answers we're receiving are just unacceptable. Expecting a shower twice a week shouldn't be too much to ask. I feel so sorry for my aunt. She doesn't ask for much and likes the people there but for goodness sake can she please get a shower!!!

Provider Response

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your recent experience. We are disappointed to hear that you are not satisfied with your visit. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.



June 11, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My father was healthy prior to Covid-19. The facility was shut down before the county was shut down and the last time I saw my father was the end of February. He contracted COVID at the end of March while being in quarantine so that means a worker had to have had it. The staff did not take care of my father as he was always falling and injuring himself. They gave me false hopes that he was fine when clearly he wasn’t. I begged to see him because I knew he wasn’t doing well because every time I talked to him he sounded worse and worse. He called me on his own on A Tuesday to tell me he missed me and Sunday he died. He suffered with Covid for 2 months. I would not put my worst enemy in this place. Horrible staff all around from the managers, doctors, nurses, to the aids. You request a call back to know how your loved one is doing and no one ever calls you back unless you threaten that you are contacting the home office.

Provider Response

I would like to get some more details about your experience with us. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.

Maria Travaglio


April 29, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident


Provider Response

We would like to address the situation you have described. We are adhering to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines and recommended protocols for COVID-19. We continue to follow to the letter the direction of the Department of Health. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.

Mr Strunzie


October 16, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Some of the staff members are really good and interested in providing good service. My biggest complaint is that there are rarely open parking space for visitors. Every time I go there the "Visitor" parking spaces are ALL taken by employees that work there. There are usually some just sitting in their cars on break using their cell phones, etc. That means I have to walk all the way from the top lot to enter the building. If I were running this place I would DEMAND that the "Visitor" parking areas by dedicated to visitors only!

Provider Response

Hello Mr Strunzie, thank you; we appreciate your feedback!



October 3, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My aunt Lena was here some time ago and I found the staff caring and trying their best to accommodate any and all request. Thank you

Provider Response

Lenova32, thank you so much for the positive review!

Paula Ladd


December 24, 2016

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My husband was given a long acting medication and told he could chew it up. This mistake gave him halucinations . He saw animals coming out of the walls to eat him. After 9 days in Chester County Hospital he was ok. YOu NEVER chew up time release capsules.

marion v


April 12, 2016

I am a friend or relative of resident

My sister spent the last few weeks of her life at Brandywine Hall. The staff was professional, caring and helpful, and the nurses were the most patient, sweet people that my family has ever dealt with in healthcare facilities. We are extremely grateful to them for the kindness they showed to our sister.



May 28, 2015

I visited this facility

I visited Brandy Hall in West Chester. The people seemed nice, but there was a definite odor of urine and industrial cleaners. They had no private rooms.



May 26, 2012

I visited this facility

My grandmother suffered from dementia so we had to put her in a place that could provide 24 hour care. She did not want to go and it was really hard to leave her once we settled her at Brandywine Hall. I researched and looked at several in the area before hand and I was disgusted with the ammonia urine like smells when walking into the building and on each floor. I liked Brandywine Hall for the simple reason that it was clean and the environment was very relaxed and had many plants and large windows with bird feeders and gardens to look at. These are the simple things that often make us smile when we are immobile. I felt there was adequate staff to handle the case load on each floor as well. My grandmother was lucky enough to have a very loving and supportive family unlike others at Brandywine and from my observation they were cared for very well and cleaned daily. Growing attached to other residents I would bring my dog in so they could pet and love her. This made everyone's day including my dog's! There are not to many negative things for me to say. They would misplace her teeth (Bridge) often and then would not look for it and she would have to eat gruel until I made them find it. It seemed the nursing staff did not take the time to help her eat. It took my grandmother sometimes an hour to eat a whole meal and the nursing staff did not have the time for that and often would even try and take the tray of food away before she was done. This is why our family made time to be with her for at least two meals a day so she would not continue to lose weight.

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Services and Amenities of West Chester Rehabilitation and Healthcare center in West Chester, Pennsylvania


  • Communal Dining

Housekeeping & Maintenance

  • Housekeeping Services

Personal Care

  • Meal Preparation

Resident Information

  • Offers Respite Care

Fitness & Wellness Programs

  • Salon Services


  • English spoken

Specialized Staff

  • Nurse on Staff (Part time)

Staff Training & Qualifications

  • Staff trained in memory care

Health Services

  • Hospice Care
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Medication Reminders

Outside Amenities

  • Garden


  • Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation


  • Health


  • Overall


  • Quality


  • Staff


Medicare Provider Number: 395740
    Ownership Type: For profit - Partnership
    Rating Date: 9/1/2023

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