(800) 558-0653

Marshwood Center

33 Roger Street, Lewiston, ME 04240

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Care Offered: Assisted Living, Continuing Care Communities, and Nursing Homes
Marshwood Center
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Marshwood Center

Lewiston, Maine 04240


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About Marshwood Center in Lewiston, Maine

Offering skilled nursing, medical and rehabilitative care for patients and residents while active seniors can enjoy a fun, dynamic lifestyle in our Assisted Living facility.

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Maine Professional and Financial Regulation Company License Information

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Reviews of Marshwood Center in Lewiston, Maine


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January 10, 2025

I am/was a resident of this facility

The rooms are cramped but relatively well appointed. The staff seem to be caring and helpful when you can reach. They can be slow to respond. If you have dietary issues or allergies food service is awful and your loved one can be at risk particularly if they are not alert. Meal choices seem to be seldom observed. I would recommend a personal care giver or relativebe present at meal times to insure diabetic meals or allergies are observed as deviations here could have sever side effects.

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February 18, 2024

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My husband was in Marshwood Center for a couple of weeks and then passed away. He was in skilled nursing. They were about to put him into hospice, but that didn't happen because he passed away too soon. It seemed to be very good. I didn't have any qualms with it. They took fairly good care of him. We stayed most of the day, every day, so we kind of oversaw the care he was getting, which was good. The staff was very good. He was one of those patients they had to keep an eye on because he would try to get up and couldn't. They had him right across from the nurse's station so they could keep an eye on him. They don't want him to fall and that was a good thing. The structure was pretty good. It's been there a long time, so it does need some redo, could stand some paint and stuff, but it was clean. They had quite a few things going on, but we weren't part of it. He wasn't able to do that. The atmosphere was quite open. You come in the door and there's never anybody there, but we knew where we were headed generally. After the first time, it was not a problem for us, but like all of them, they could stand a little more help in the front office part of things, but it worked out for us. He had a nice private room which looked out on the back wood line. It's back in the area away from a lot of houses and stuff. It was quite pleasant. We had a birdfeeder out there and we'd just look outside. He had a reasonably good room.

Provider Response

Hello Judy, thank you; we appreciate your feedback!



April 17, 2023

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My Gram has been grossly neglected in this facility. She's been overmedicated, undermedicated, left in diapers way too long, not showered regularly, not given assistance to get to the bathroom which left to her falling and breaking her hip. Even though the facility claims to be a rehabilitation center, they have never even tried to rehabilitate my Gram in any way. Staff doesn't help her put her teeth in every morning, and then can't understand her speech and say she can't communicate. My mother advocates for my Gram (her mother) and the doctors/ staff do not consistently take any of my mothers advice in the care of my Gram. They say they will do X,Y&Z but there is rarely any follow through. This is the tip of the iceberg. Soon my gram will be out if this place, thank GOD!! I'm glad she will no longer suffer in that hell hole. IF YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS I BEG YOU NOT TO BRING THEM TO THIS FACILITY!

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We appreciate all reviews, and appreciate you giving us the chance to improve by providing us with this feedback. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.



February 29, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I wish I read the reviews before my 62yr old mom was sent here for rehab after heart issues. They left her destitute without proper evaluation! Unnecessary testing was done when she was still on medications which made her drowsy on top of not being able to sleep at night because of a very loud roommate. Dr Doane determined she had dementia and was a hazard on the road, before any further testing was done he actually had her license pulled! 3 days later the nurse practitioner and her primary care physician said there was no sign of memory issues... The very smug discharge nurse, Doreen, was more then happy to relay the bad news that even though she was fine to drive she'll have a difficult time getting her license back, with a smile on her face!! I have never met anyone as condescending as this woman. Now, she has to appeal to the state and take a road test. In the meantime, living on her own, they sent her home with no way to get to her appointment's or even get food. When they discharged her, we also noticed they have us the wrong records and we have all the health and lifetime info of another person! Even personal info that the husband was a child molester!!! Just Google reviews of this place, they've actually made it to the news for so many complaints. We will also be filing a complaint through the state and insurance.

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I would like to get some more details about your experience with us. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.

silence gets you no where


September 21, 2019

I am/was a resident of this facility

I have been here four days already been left on the floor after I fell. I called for help nobody came. So I confronted the lazy nurse norine that sat there and watched the bathroom bell as she admitted and got chewed out and told I won’t get help while I’m here for filing a report for anything. I wheeled I am an amputee btw to the next wing for help . Now my stump is swollen four days later my roommates had Chf and she was choking they never heard her I pushed bell and they ignored it again she’s now in hospital getting better care I told her family what happened and they took her stuff don’t bring your family here . I called the state of Maine and reported both incidents. Nurses are mean there are none the food sucks the room smell the sheets smell like urine and the building is constantly broken I fell of the toilet because the seat broke.they need some serious training and chefs cnas nurses better food options 5 people quit in two days two for fired the rest are being over worked so they make mistakes so make it better and get licensed care takers

Provider Response

I would like to get some more details about your experience with us. Please contact our Compliance Department so we can further investigate.

animal shelter


December 12, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

This is not a place i would want someone I care about to be. First shift is not too bad for care, but after that you will wait forever or they will come shut the bell off and say i will go tell so and so and nothing ever comes of it. They have denied my dad pain meds ( we don't think you need them.) rooms are always nasty. food, spills and trash on floor. PT is amazing. My dad has had several rounds with this facility. The unit director is a joke she messes everything up. Poor care, they try sending people home before they are ready to care for themselves. Would not recommend this place, way understaffed.



March 23, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My husband spent 19 days. He was given everything he needed. His staff was very helpful with all his needs. The nurses and assistants were awesome. Sarah and Steve went over and above to give the care that he needed. We would highly recommend Marshwood Rehab. All the therapists were very friendly and helpful for his recovery. Quinda W



March 3, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Horrible, my mom was admitted to Marshwood from Cmmc for rehab after falling and breaking her leg because her diabetes sugar were to high. THEY WERE THREE HOUR LATE ADMITTING HER AND FEEDING HER NONDIABETIC FOOD ON ARRIVAL WITH NO INSULUN. MOM ASKES FOR HER INSULIN THE NURSE ASKS HOW MUCH INSULIN ARE YOU ON REALLY?!!! After a pessimistic meeting with her Dr at Marswood and hours of asking 5 different nurses for her pain meds i get a nurse yelling at me stating if you prevent me from doing my job i cant do my job !! Well im looking for communication and who are you ?? I immediately requested discharge papers from the hospital which they refused to give me and mom one month later my mom was brought to Cmmc died after 5 heartattackes due to blood clots to the lungs , on those discharge papers I never got after I asked for mom was her Dr at Cmmc ordered following care to be taking coumidan untill wait bearing she was never weight bearing the 33 days there and her discharge from marshwood stated zero given in warparin or other words coumidan. Let alone the times my mom said she waited forever to get help going to bathroom . If mom would had been given coumidan she would not had blood clots to her lungs causing her deathly heart attacks, so sad we are currently seeking legal council, but no money Wil bring her back please don't send loved ones here or anyone they should be shut down

Jack rabbit


December 25, 2015

I am a friend or relative of resident

My father was discharged from Maine Medical center to Marshwood Center this year. The facility is quite nice. The day shift staff are very friendly and seemed to provide good care for my father. However, evening shift is another story. My father had his call light on for about 1 hour (which I clocked and witnessed). He needed help to the bathroom and back into his bed. I assisted him myself and then, when he needed to use the bathroom again, no one answered to call light again. I hunted down the RN and she stopped passing medications to assist him. My father was a high risk for falls. No staff in sight in the hallways due to limited staffing in the evening. This was totally unacceptable. As an RN and Medical Power of Attorney for my father, I would not recommend this facility. I called the Social Workers for assistance in regards to lost hearing aides and left messages on their voice mail which I never received a returned phone call back. The Social Workers were both very nice in person. However, I felt they were very overworked which would explain the lack of follow through. The last thing is my father fell in their facility at night and as his medical power of attorney, Marshwood should have reported this fall to me via phone. I found out about the fall from my father. It turned out that my father hit his head and had to be admitted to Central Maine Hospital for brain swelling from the fall. The day RN that sent him to the hospital did the right thing which I appreciated. The RN admitted that the family and medical power of attorney were never notified of the fall.



July 21, 2015

I am a friend or relative of a resident

My family member was involved with this facility for about three years. All I can say is to keep your eyes open, speak up and advocate for your loved one and watch everything. Sometimes things are better, sometimes worse. You have to be vigilant. It can be very difficult to get the facility doctor to come and see a resident. Really difficult to comprehend that one. You have to participate in care plan meetings and monitor that things are being done. I used to get upset when things weren't being done, for example bathroom breaks or showers on their schedule. For my own sanity I switched to preemptive reminders. Your family member will not have m/any opportunities to get outside in the nice weather. This is not provided to the residents that need assistance or supervision. There seems to be very little training for the cnas in dementia care. There is often apparent uncertainty on their part in dealing with issues. The admin. talked about increasing staff training in dementia but I did not see it happen. There was always a huge turnover of staff. They cut back on supervision of residents and this concerned me. There were times when family members had eyes on resident safety and had to intervene or go looking for assistance. The facility itself looks fairly nice. There are some nice and dedicated people working there. Things can and do change so hopefully things are on the upswing.



January 30, 2014

I am a friend or relative of a resident

We had been at Marshwood Center about two weeks. It was the only one that had a bed. It's a small facility and it's very clean. I would say they're caring for the most part. I thought it was a good place for him to go. The people are very kind and they seem to be very attentive and willing to work with the person to try and get them what they need. They have a very interesting therapy department. Before the person can get out of there, they have different set up. They have a store area where the person has to make a grocery list. They have to go find the items just like they were going to go through a regular grocery store. They have their little basket, put their little things in it and go to the cashier. They have an ATM machine there. Of course, this is all pretend money but it's all the things that a person would have to do when they get back out into the normal community. They have an actual car there for the person to be able to do their transfers, learn how to transfer from standing up, getting into the car or from a wheelchair into the car then getting out. They have a bed set up so the person can go live like a bedroom set. They also have an area like an entrance to a house. They have the door set up and they have the front porch and mailbox and it's very interesting, the way that they have set it up. They also have the weights and areas for the person to be able to get their balance and strengthening before they can even get in to this other area. Their therapy is very unique from other places that I have seen. The rooms are semi-private. They have two different wings. One is for more advanced persons who can quickly recover and then they have another wing where the people take a little longer to recover. Then their upstairs is designated for long term nursing care and they have a dementia ward. I looked at the one that was going to take a little longer to recuperate and it's a very small ward. The first day of my father was there, he had his own room by himself. The second night, they had brought someone in. You clearly could tell this person needed long term care but he was in this skilled nursing area and he moaned all night long and kept the entire ward up. I complained and arrangements were made the following day for this person to be removed and put into a different place. They had bingo. They have ongoing jigsaw puzzles. They offer Catholic services and regular non-Catholic Sunday services. I think they had some singing possibly.



August 1, 2013

I am a friend or relative of resident

My Grandmother was brought to Marshwood from a local Hospital after breaking her hip. I was not at all impressed with the care that she received and after approx. a week I removed her and brought her home to live with me. She was only at my house one night when she was Transported back to the original hospital she had left to go to Marshwood because she was bleeding uncontrollably. When she arrived in the ER her Dr came down and looked at her an said What has happened to you, you were only gone a week! When her blood levels were drawn we found out that her Coumadin level was off the charts and that would be why when she scratched because she was in kidney failure and she bleed uncontrollably. she suffered from internal bleeding and suffered until she passed a few days later. After obtaining what records I could manage to get from Marshwood we learned that they had doubled her Coumadin from what she was sent there with from the hospital. It was so bad that she lay bleeding in her bed and we waited and waited and waited for a nurse (they were busy) that I drove approx. 5 miles to my house and got my first aid kit and bandaged her up. When the ambulance arrived to remover her from Marshwood she again was bleeding and the ambulance crew said they would bandage her up in the ambulance after waiting for someone there and no one came. Her medication was not given on time because they never had enough RN on to handle the patients and a CNA can't even give a band aid. She was having and asthma attack but had no inhaler because they kept it and I gave her mine (we used the same inhaler) and I was told that I was not allowed to do that. Well, let me tell youthat was my Grandmother laying there gasping for air and if they think I'm just going to stand by and watch while she can't get air and I have an inhaler in my purse there crazy! The whole week we were there her Dr (the Dr she was assigned) never even came in and gave her a physical or looked her over, funny yet he managed to double her Coumadin. When she went in for surgery I was told she may not make it out and if she did she most likely would be on a breathing machine. She blew them away she breathed on her own the whole time. I waited outside the operating room door where I had left her when they took her in and they couldn't wait to come and tell me. She wanted so badly to live and she made it through a surgery that no one thought she would only to be sent to Marshwood and overdosed on Coumadin. They had tubes in her pumping out the blood and they never stopped she was actually decaying from the inside out. The odor was so bad I bought air freshners for the room because I stayed by her side day and night. I will say I met a couple of very nice CNA's while I was there and they also have since left. It may look nice but the care was awful. I have to wonder since my Grandmother was never left alone someone would always cover me so I could run home and shower and take a break what would have been like with no one there looking out foe her. I could say much more but I won't bottom line I wouldn't send my worst enemy to Marshwood!



May 3, 2012

I am a friend or relative of a resident

Before he arrived at Marshwood, I was under the impressions that my grandfather would be receiving intense rehabilitative therapy during his stay. I was not happy to learn that he was receiving only 30 minutes of physical therapy a day; I felt that two or three sessions per day would have been more appropriate. Not to mention mental therapy - he received none, and I would have liked them to try some exercises to stimulate his mind. I was also not pleased with the level of cleanliness at the facility. There was dust in the corners and it stains on tables in public areas. After staying at Marshwood for a week and a half, my grandfather had to be returned to the hospital with a new stomach virus. While I understand that with his immune system already compromised, he was especially susceptible to new viral infections, I felt that perhaps the level of uncleanliness at Marshwood contributed to that fact that my grandfather caught this new infection upon arrival. The staff at Marshwood were very pleasant and friendly. The setting of the facility was also lovely; at the end of a cul-de-sac in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by forest.



September 30, 2011

I am a friend or relative of resident

My Mom stayed for rehab about a month, we loved the staff, and quality of care. My Uncle lives in the nursing home area and he feels he has the best care!!

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Medicare Provider Number: 205072
    Ownership Type: For profit - Corporation
    Rating Date: 9/1/2023

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