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Assisted Living Communities in Tarzana, California

The neighborhood of Tarzana sits within Los Angeles, where prospective assisted living residents have 641 facilities to choose from. Survey data shows that in 2024, these facilities charge...

Directory of Assisted Living in Tarzana, CA

641 Results

Pets AllowedPhysical TherapyPool / Hot TubVeterans BenefitsSpanish SpokenRespite Care


641 Results

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The Cost of Assisted Living in Tarzana, CA and Nearby Cities

Based on data from the 2024 Genworth Cost of Care Survey, seniors budget around $5,748 per month for assisted living expenses in Tarzana. This provides significant savings over the California median of $6,250, and it offers a budget-friendly alternative to care in San Diego, where residents pay about $7,250. However, seniors typically find more economical care in nearby Riverside, where facilities charge approximately $5,324.





United States




San Diego




San Diego


Paying for Assisted Living in Tarzana, CA

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Tarzana

Eligible seniors can find financial assistance services in Tarzana through both the Medicaid 1915(c) Assisted Living Waiver Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the optional state supplement (OSS).

Learn more about these programs, plus who’s eligible, on our Assisted Living in California page.

More Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

While many families use their own funds or personal assets to pay for assisted living, there are plenty of additional options to cover these costs. Some additional ways to finance assisted living costs include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgage

For more information about different ways to finance assisted living, visit our Assisted Living in California page.

The Cost of Other Types of Senior Living in Tarzana, CA

Assisted living facilities in Tarzana charge a baseline rate of around $5,748 per month. This runs hundreds of dollars below local in-home care and home health care rates of approximately $6,673, and it offers significant savings over nursing home costs of roughly $10,646. However, adult day health care costs less at roughly $1,690.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Adult Day Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility (semiprivate room)


Note: Since data for Tarzana is unavailable, we used data for the nearest city, Los Angeles, instead.

Free Assisted Living Resources in Tarzana

A number of government agencies and nonprofits serve seniors in Tarzana and the greater Los Angeles area. The following organizations offer long-term care planning and advocate for those who currently reside in assisted living communities.  

Workforce Development Aging and Community Services(800) 510-2020As the Area Agency on Aging for Los Angeles County, WDACS offers a wealth of programs for seniors and their families, including transportation, mobility assistance, legal advice, caregiver supports and adult protective services. It also oversees more than 60 volunteer ombudsmen who advocate for assisted living residents across the community.
WISE & Healthy Aging(310) 394-9871WISE & Healthy Aging is a community-driven nonprofit dedicated to improving older residents' quality of life. It offers case management services and caregiver resources to help families develop a personalized plan for healthy aging. In addition to supporting senior transportation and safe driving programs, the organization engages in elder abuse prevention and serves as the ombudsman for more than 76,000 long-term care residents.
Los Angeles Senior Citizen Centers(213) 485-7512The Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks operates 29 multipurpose senior centers throughout the city. These facilities offer nutritional services and recreational programs, including art classes, foreign language courses, aerobics, line dancing, live entertainment and social events. The closest options to Tarzana are the Canoga Park Senior Citizen Center on Jordan Avenue and the Sherman Oaks East Valley Adult Center on Van Nuys Boulevard.
Los Angeles County Office of Senior Health(213) 351-7825Tarzana residents can contact the Office of Senior Health to learn more about community-based services available to senior citizens, disabled adults and their caregivers. As part of the county's Department of Public Health, it oversees more than 1,900 long-term care facilities in greater Los Angeles. The agency also connects seniors to related state agencies and nonprofit groups such as AARP and the American Society on Aging.
Los Angeles County Military & Veteran Affairs(213)765-9680The county's Veterans Service Center is a comprehensive resource for military families who need help accessing their benefits. Veterans services specialists help with applications for VA health care, disability compensation, pensions and Aid & Attendance supplements that can be used for assisted living and personal care. The center also offers information about veterans license plates, crisis services and public assistance programs.

Assisted Living Laws and Regulations in Tarzana

Tarzana-area assisted living communities must adhere to the comprehensive set of state laws and regulations that all assisted living communities in California are required to follow. Visit our Assisted Living in California page for more information about these laws.

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