Elderly Waiver
The Elderly Waiver is a Home and Community-Based Services Waiver that expands Medicaid’s coverage to pay for supportive services in the individual’s own home. The services you receive under this waiver are customized to your needs, as determined by an interdisciplinary team. Services may include:
- Adult day care
- Assistive devices
- Case management
- Chore services
- Consumer-directed attendant care
- Emergency response systems
- Home and vehicle modifications
- Homemaker services
- Home-delivered meals
- Respite services
- Companion services
- Transportation
All these services must be provided in a community setting, whether it’s the individual’s home, a residential care facility or an adult day health care facility. The total cost of the services for an individual must be cheaper than what they would pay for nursing home care.
To qualify for the Elderly Waiver, applicants must be at least 65 years old, and they must require a nursing home or skilled nursing level of care. They must also be permanent Iowa residents and legal U.S. citizens or residents. Applicants must also meet financial eligibility criteria. Single applicants may have an annual income of no more than $30,276, and they may have up to $2,000 in countable assets.
Seniors must apply for the Elderly Waiver through their Iowa Department of Human Services county office. After they apply, the department will contact them to schedule an assessment.