(800) 558-0653

Canterbury Villa of Alliance

1785 FRESHLEY AVENUE, Alliance, OH 44601

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Care Offered: Nursing Homes
Canterbury Villa of Alliance
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About Canterbury Villa of Alliance in Alliance, Ohio

Canterbury Villa of Alliance is a Senior Living provider in Alliance, Ohio that offers residents Nursing Homes services. Contact Canterbury Villa of Alliance for more details on services and rates.

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Reviews of Canterbury Villa of Alliance in Alliance, Ohio


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April 30, 2024

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My in-laws are permanent residents of Canterbury Villa of Alliance. I like their attention to detail as far as their needs. The building is very good. It's one floor and there are four wings off the central area for rooms. The staff is very good. If you have a question, they will stop and take care of your question right away. Food is OK. There are specific needs for both my in-laws and they're very picky eaters, but overall, it's pretty good. The activities are also good. They have church services, people who come in and sing, group meetings, and activities. They do quite a bit out there. It's just that my in-laws don't want to participate in that.

Carl Merritt


April 11, 2020

I visited this facility

Due to this virus we now can't bring candy and easter card in two this . I've been hear 3 times in the week an half. Drop a letter of two my wife and was told two lay the card on a chair. So I went out and bought my wife a easter card and some candy that she loves which are reeze cups. Now they had a staff meeting and now it all has two be mailed. I guess they spray the envelope so it safe. What about the easter baskets. all the flowers that have been delivered her. Did they go thru the post office and get sprayed. Don't get me wrong they are doing a good job. but there going two far.

diane richmond


March 6, 2020

I am/was a resident of this facility

I stayed at Canterbury-Villa for a shrt term rehab program. I can't say enough goo things about their rehab and their care. Everyone was so helpful and knew my main goal was to get home. We all worked toward that. Rooms were clean, staff was friendly and everyone went out of there way to help. there was always something going on with the activities dept. too They have a cute little coffee shop that you could go and visit with your families and even have lunch in. I would def recommend this facility again. No complaints.



May 8, 2018


I called in on today to get some information about the facility for a family member. The person that answered the telephone was very rude. When I repeated what she told me to confirm that I had heard the information right (due to her speaking very fast) she got smart. When I apologized for asking and explained that I just wanted to confirm that I had wrote down the information correctly she, she huffed. I was able to make a very quick decision that Canterbury is not the facility for my family member or anyone for that matter. As a facility I would be careful with who is allowed to answer your phones and who you employ. Customer Service should go without saying in a nursing facility. My private pay funds will be spent else where. That was totally uncalled for and unacceptable.



November 26, 2016

I visited this facility

We visited Canterbury Villa, and I'm very impressed with it. It's very nice and clean. The social worker was great to talk to, very helpful, and took us on a tour. The rooms were very nice and roomy.



March 7, 2014

I am a friend or relative of resident

Canterbury Villa is a great place for your loves ones! My grandma was here for 3 years, and eventually died there. The staff was always friendly and helpful, and the building was always clean. There are lots of activities. My grandma regularly went to walmart and out to lunch. At the end of her life, the staff did everything they could to make my grandma and our family comfortable. They called in Alliance hospice, who are also wonderful! I would recommend Canterbury to people on need of a nursing home.

wow what was I thinking


March 1, 2014

I visited this facility

I Came through the facility to get a good look at what was going on. I heard patient screaming in pain. Heard a nurse telling a resident that she had to much work to do and not allowed to stay over at all so she had to wait for pain medication. Besides the one nurse there was no other staff to be found and at almost 12 noon it is hard to believe that on a week day nobody would be around. After talming to my loved one (which I had no choice where they went) I found out why there was nobody. They have almost no floor staff to help your loved one. Every floor staff member is so over worked with the expectations on them its no wonder that the place smells horrible. Indont understand why I walk by offices and hear people laughing and joking while there floor staff is doing everything they can to keep up with no help. I stayed most of the day with my loved one and while the day shift and office staff were all rude and extremely unhospitable the afternoon staff after the office staff has left became very helpful and willing to do I whatever it took to make everybody happy and smile. There were 2 nurses that stepped in to do everthing they could to help with everthing I had asked of them there was 3 aids that went out of there way to make my loved one more comfortable. My opinion is that if you loved one cant take care of themselves then I guess this place would be ok but if your loved one needs any help stay away they are not staffed for it. They claim it is because there is not enough residents to provide the staff but I want to know what they are doing with the residents that are there. Inwill tell you as soon as I can convince the rest of the family I WILL be taking my loved one out of this facility as soon as possible. Update: This is a posting I wanted to put up about 6 weeks ago but was convienced by my family not to. Now that my loved one has passed away and I have no doubt it is because of the staffing. There was not enough staff to watch as my loved one kept declining until it was to late to save them. I have learned the names of the 2 afternoon nurses and 3 afternoon aids but I will not post them on here as I do not want them to have punishment for going out of there way to help. I do hope they find thier ways out of this place to a place that they are appreciated for what they do.

Maggie Bugera


November 29, 2013

I am a friend or relative of resident

My mother and stepfather had been at Canterbury-Villa since 2010. My step father resides in the Alzheimers Memory Care unit and my mother had been there a few times for different needs. Out of all the places my family and I looked at we chose Canterbury -Villa and have been completely satified. It is a very clean place and the food is very good with a nice variety of meals. The care has always been the best and the staff genuinely care about each and every resident. For example, my mother had been there for a short rehab stay and became very good friends with her roommate. Because of the wonderful rehab dept. she was able to return home a few weeks later . A couple months later she had to return to Canterbury-Villa and the staff noticed that she wasn't as perky and jovial as they knew her to be. A suggestion was made by the staff that maybe she would be her old self if we put her back with the roomate she initially had the first time she came. And before you know it, she was back to herself socializing and going out to activities and outings etc. The staff really go above and beyond to make sure the experience there is a pleasant one. I really feel my mother and Warren were loved by all at Canterbury-Villa. It is such a friendly, warm family-like environment. There is always something going on; the residents are not just sitting in there rooms. I myself have become closer with the other residents that live there. I would recommend Canterbury-Villa without a doubt.

Friend of Canterbury Villa


November 11, 2013

I am a friend or relative of resident

I have been visiting Cantebury Villa for the past 2 years. I am so pleased with the care they have been providing. The staff is always polite and willing to assist. When we come for a visit, which is daily, the facilty is clean and the atmosphere is warm. And the activities, there is always something happening. In fact just today (11/11/13), there was a special Veterans tribute with music and a luncheon. My friend was so proud in the way the staff honored him. The staff truly goes the extra mile in making sure the residents are treated with great care and respect. Over the past 2 years I have had the opportunity to eat with my friend and every time the meals are hot and taste homemade. Great job to the staff of Cantebury Villa.



October 26, 2013

I visited this facility

I thought Canterbury was one of the nicest nursing home facilities I'd ever been in. However, my family and I have learned that you can't judge a book by it's cover. BEWARE of this place. The total incompetence of the staff, and the collusion hiding behind all of the polite, smiling faces in this place will send you into a state of confusion, and eventually down a path to the realm of madness. Our mother was sent to Canterbury for rehabilitation so she could build up her strength and walk better. So she could return home as soon as possible. Instead these people latched onto her and refused to help her return home. They had the big bucks coming into their pockets, and were not about to give up that cash-flow. Here’s a list of some of the things we had to deal with and what you can expect to experience: Going in for a visit and finding our mother in the main family/activities room sitting in a wheelchair in stinking, soiled pants. Looking around to see no nurses or nurse’s aids attending to anyone in the room. Seat alarms going off, residents getting up from their chairs and nobody rushing to their aid. When you’ve got nurse’s aids who are assigned to fifteen or more residents, what can you expect? So what if they’re raking in nearly $7000.00 a month to take care of your loved one - they will tell you the government says that 15 residents per nurse’s aid is sufficient. Taking in a pizza one Sunday afternoon with several other family members to surprise Mom. And instead we got the surprise. We found her sitting in a wheelchair, head tilted back, eyes staring blankly ahead and mouth wide open. A total Zombie due to a Nurse and/or Doctor’s mistake in prescribing and administering medication, Mom looked like she was in a drug-induced coma. She called out to us, “Help me wake up. Please help me wake up.” This fiasco put my mom into an exhausted state that lasted about a week and a half. And the real kicker is, once she finally regained her strength and was ready to proceed with therapy, we were told the allotted time for her physical therapy had just ended. In other words, “The money is flowing into our hands, and we are NOT giving it up.” Paying a visit and seeing that our mother’s hair is greasy and her scalp stinks. Asking why they didn’t give her a shower and shampoo her hair on Monday morning or Thursday morning, and being told that she was too tired and refused her shower both Monday and Thursday nights. We tell them, and tell them, and tell them over and over again morning NOT night showers please. They nod their heads, but continue onward doing the same thing. I bought my mother a beautiful new pair of pajamas, and the next night I stopped by to visit her. While talking with her, the door to the bathroom swings open and a nurse’s aid wheels out her roommate, dressed in Mom’s brand new pajamas. The staff encourages sharing. Sharing each other’s clothes, shoes, and I imagine underpants, too, except for the fact that most of the residents wear disposable underwear - Thank God for that! Numerous times - and you will find yourself complaining numerous times about each and every problem you will have at Canterbury because they are all inept. Think I’m exaggerating? Step into the mess at this nursing home and you will soon find yourself confused, angry, and finally so exhausted from repeating yourself to them that you will become infuriated. We told them not to put my mother’s roommate’s shoes on her, we showed them mom’s shoes in the closet in front of her bed - yet around and around we went with them. It’s like dealing with a bunch of dumb little kids. The last time I saw my mom wearing her roommate’s shoes, I removed them, took them down the hallway and dropped them onto the seat of a wheelchair. Then we looked for my mom’s shoes. Stylish black leather Reebok shoes that cost $95 with $50 insoles in them. We couldn’t find them. The nurses’ aids searched for them. They couldn’t find them. Turns out my Mom’s shoes were stolen. Most likely by one of the underpaid aids. When I demanded that they reimburse us for the shoes, the Director of Nursing said she did some investigating, and none of the nurses or nurse’s aids had ever seen a black pair of Reebok shoes on my mom or in her room. She wore them all through the little therapy she was given. So now let’s add insult to injury. My mom is 86, but looks like she’s twenty years younger than that. Last year a clerk in Best Buy guessed her to be 56 or 57 years old. When I told the clerk, “I’m her daughter. And I’m fifty-nine,” her jaw dropped to the floor. When we were kids, people in town called my mom “Liz”. She could’ve moved to Hollywood and became Elizabeth Taylor’s double - she looked so much like her. Yep, Mom looks twenty years younger than she is - well, she did look twenty years younger until Canterbury got their mitts on her. Once again, numerous times I asked them to have my mom’s hair dyed and trimmed. But every time I stopped by, there she was in a wheelchair, with long, stringy, greasy hair - a big section of solid white separated by a bigger section of dark brown - looking like an old hag, a freak. When they finally took care of her hair, they did the exact opposite of my instructions. I told them, not once, but twice - no perm and no hair spray. So the next day I walk in and it’s not my mother sitting in the wheelchair. Not this old lady with a PERM, and hair stiffened with a coat of hair spray. I now believe all the trouble we were put through was a conspiracy, an orchestrated plan to upset, frustrate, and discourage outsiders from visiting residents. Can this be the reason why there is such a lack of visitors to the poor, sad residents at Canterbury Villa? Eventually people just give up, and stay away? One evening for dinner I discover them serving my mom tuna fish salad for dinner. I tell them she hates fish. They give her the substitute. A hot dog. She loves hot dogs. But couldn’t eat the hot dog they served her. Who could? It was overcooked to the point where the boiled meat had fallen apart and sat in the soggy, wet bun in several different pieces. Soon after that I spent about an hour and a half in a meeting with the social worker and Director of Nursing. I told them about this situation. The Director of Nursing said, “Well, I’ll give you a menu and you can write in what your mother likes to eat. That will solve that problem.” “That would be great,” I said. “Can you please email the menu to me?” “Absolutely.” Well she never did. I emailed her two her three times about the menu and received no reply from her. I had left that meeting feeling so good, and the very next day everything fell apart to a point where my temper finally erupted. A couple of evenings later I walked into the dining room and found my mother sitting at a table with her roommate. No plates of food in front of them. An aid walked up to me and said, “They’ve both refused their dinner.” “Well what were they served?” I asked. “Tuna fish salad. And the alternative is a hot dog.” Absolute insanity. Would you blow your top or what?! Doctor’s orders - our mom needs her feet elevated above her heart while sleeping. Yet every time one of us goes in to check on her, she’s in bed, lying in a horizontal position, feet not elevated above her heart. Talk to them until you are blue in the face, a blue that will soon turn purple with rage. If my mom refuses her pills, the nurses don’t give them to her. Not even her blood pressure pills! I ask, “Can’t you tell her you’ll give her a Pepsi to take with the pills? She loves Pepsi Cola. I believe that will take care of that problem.” But the nurse replies, “No. That’s a bribe, and we’re not allowed to do that.” “Well, can you use child psychology on her? Tell her something like - if you want to get well and go home, then you need to take your pills?” No reply to that one. Just a phony smile. Go in and help your mom with your own therapy program. Build up her strength. Get her walking yourself. Get her the hell out of there. Push that wheelchair behind her as she walks ahead of you with her walker. Push that wheelchair as you choke and gag from the strong smell of urine on the seat. You’ve asked them how many times to clean the chair? Forget it. They never listen. They NEVER follow instructions. Get her out of there. It is October 19, 2013. A few days ago I asked a nurse to have a doctor check my mom’s feet again. Her feet, ankles and lower legs have swollen up so badly we need to walk her without shoes on. The nurse says the medication to reduce fluid in the legs should probably be increased. I ask, “What was the date she was initially given the medication?” She replies, “August 24, 2013.” Nearly two months?! Why after two weeks of no improvement wasn’t the medication increased?! Well, I guess it’s all a part of that conspiracy, that secret plan to keep the money rolling in. The list of complaints goes on and on. My experiences with Canterbury are simply unbelievable. Trust me. Don’t put her or him in there to begin with. God bless you and your family. He’s the only one who can help you, me, and our loved ones. But not even God can give a person the strength they need to deal with the games these people play. So walk away from this place. Run as fast as you can. Better yet, stay away to begin with. One last complaint. On October 22, 2013 - which was a cold autumn day - my mother was transported to another nursing home/rehab facility here in Alliance. I washed her winter coat that morning, and my brother picked it up and delivered it to Canterbury with specific instructions to make sure she wears it when she leaves. It was 40 degrees outside that afternoon, and she arrived at the other facility (Roselawn) with only a thin red sweater to protect her from the cold. The morons at Canterbury searched for the coat, and found it locked in the Administrator’s office. Can any group of people really be this stupid and inept?! Or was the coat locked in there on purpose?

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Medicare Provider Number: 366214
    Ownership Type: For profit - Corporation
    Rating Date: 9/1/2023

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