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Nursing Homes in Arkansas

Arkansas, dubbed the Natural State, features dense forests and soaring mountains. It’s home to over 3 million people, and the size of its senior community exceeds the national average at 17.4% of the population. For the 20,000 residents who require nursing services in any given year, over 200 nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities are available, as well as several large health care facilities that feature a broad range of specialties. Little Rock’s UAMS Medical Center is nationally recognized for its innovation and areas of expertise, which include hearing and balance, heart and vascular care and senior health. The state is also home to other high-performing hospitals such as Baptist Health Medical CenterWashington Regional Medical Center and Baxter Regional Medical Center

Nursing homes provide around-the-clock long-term skilled nursing care and supervision. According to the Genworth 2020 Cost of Care Survey, Arkansas residents pay approximately $5,931 per month for semiprivate rooms in nursing homes, and those who opt for private accommodations pay $6,540. 

This guide covers nursing home care in Arkansas, including its monthly costs, options for financial assistance and local agencies that help individuals evaluate their long-term care options. It also outlines the state-mandated regulations that nursing homes in Arkansas must comply with. 

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The Cost of Nursing Home Care in Arkansas

At $5,931 per month for semiprivate accommodations, Arkansas is among the most affordable states in the country for nursing home care. Nationwide, facilities charge nearly $2,000 more, with an average cost of $7,756. While Arkansas is affordable compared to the national median, it’s one of the pricier options in the region. Missouri, which borders Arkansas to the north, is the most affordable state for nursing home care, with fees at $5,080 monthly. Louisiana and Oklahoma are cost-effective options at $5,536 and $5,323 per month, respectively. Tennessee is the most expensive option in the region, but at $7,072 monthly, it’s still cheaper than the national average.

Across Arkansas, nursing home fees vary widely depending on factors such as local living costs, the number of facilities and the care fee structure. In Fort Smith, which is situated in the northwestern corner of the state, fees are lowest at $5,551 monthly. In nearby Fayetteville, fees are several hundred dollars higher at $6,007. In Hot Springs and the Little Rock area, which includes Little Rock, North Little Rock and Conway, nursing homes charge $6,083 per month. In Pine Bluff, located in the northeast corner of the state, fees are the highest at $6,183 per month. Nursing home fees in Jonesboro are moderately priced at $5,779. 

Fort Smith


Pine Bluff




Hot Springs


Fayetteville area


Little Rock area


Because of the comprehensive service and supervision that skilled nursing facilities provide, nursing home care is the most expensive type of senior care in Arkansas. Depending on the individual’s needs, other types of care may be more appropriate and more affordable. For seniors who prefer to live at home but need skilled nursing services, home health care is a relatively affordable option at $3,813 monthly for 44 hours of weekly care. Home care, which includes personal care services and housekeeping, has the same average monthly fees. Assisted living, which may be a good option for those who need short-term or intermittent skilled nursing services, is considerably more affordable at $3,500 per month. The most economically priced senior care option is adult day care, which costs $1,820 per month on average.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Adult Day Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Care


Does Medicaid Cover Nursing Home Care in Arkansas?

Medicaid is a low-income health option for individuals who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford insurance coverage. For seniors in Arkansas, Medicaid can cover the entire cost of nursing home care, including room and board and personal services like housekeeping, grooming, medication management, medical equipment, medications and physician’s visits.

As of September 2021, over 940,000 individuals in the state were covered by Medicaid. Seniors on Medicaid throughout the state have access to 223 nursing homes, which provide skilled nursing care 24/7. Aside from Medicaid, the state has specific Medicaid programs to provide additional financial support for those in long-term care. The Independent Choices (IC) Program is the self-directed option that gives seniors more freedom to choose where they receive care, and the Living Choices Assisted Living Waiver covers the cost of personal care services, including non-medical transportation. Nursing evaluations and medication oversight.

Medicaid Eligibility in Arkansas

To be eligible for Medicaid, applicants must meet the income requirements set by the state. In Arkansas, this limit must not exceed 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). All money received by the applicant is counted toward this final total. This includes pension payments, Social Security disability, Social Security income, IRA withdrawals, stock dividends, alimony, unemployment and cash from family and friends.

The maximum income for a single applicant is $32,904 per year, and for a two-person household with both individuals applying, this amount is $65,808, or $32,904 per year per person. If only one spouse applies the amount for one spouse is $32,904 per year, but the non-applicant may be eligible for a Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA) under the spousal impoverishment rule, which ensures the individual has the money they need to remain comfortably in the home alone.

Household SizeNumber of ApplicantsIncome Limits Per Year*Asset Limits: Applicant(s)Asset Limits: Non-Applicants
One Person1$32,904$2,000
Two People1$32,904**$2,000$148,620
Two People 2$65,808***$4,000

* All monthly income except for a $137.10/mo. personal needs allowance and Medicare premiums must go toward nursing home costs. There may also be a monthly needs allowance for a non-applicant spouse.

** Income limit is for applicant only.

*** Income is limited to $2,742 per month per spouse.

Additional requirements:


  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be a resident of Arkansas
  • Be age 65 and older
  • Require nursing care service

How to Apply for Medicaid in Arkansas

Seniors applying for Arkansas Medicaid should apply in person at their local Department of Human Services office (DHS). Individuals may also locate their local office by calling the state DHS number at (501) 682-1001 or may apply online at the state website. To apply by mail, seniors can download the appropriate forms and mail them to their local DHS office or call (855) 372-1084 to speak to a state counselor and apply on the phone.

Information You Will Need


  • Proof of citizenship or qualified alien status
  • Valid Social Security number (SSN)
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • VA discharge papers
  • Government-issued photo ID
  • Proof of income for the past 60 days
  • Bank statements for the past 60 days
  • Proof of ownership of assets including deeds and titles
  • Copies of health and life insurance policies
  • Social Security award letters
  • Any documentation that might help prove your case

Additional Medicaid Support & Resources in Arkansas

Medicaid support and resources can help seniors navigate their choices for coverage and improve the odds for acceptance. Counselors can offer free and low-cost assistance to help answer some of the most common questions.

ResourceContactService is operated by the federal government to connect individuals with available benefits, including healthcare and medical assistance. The site offers details about program services, eligibility and how to apply as well as contact information.
Arkansas Insurance Department(800) 852-5494The Arkansas Insurance Department helps individuals throughout the state locate insurance to suit their needs. The site offers information on open enrollment and provides detailed information on Medicaid, including how to apply and where to find local resources.
Department of Human Services (DHS)(501) 683-5687Staff members at the DHS can provide information on the available public assistance programs, including Medicaid, Medicare and prescription drug coverage.

Does Medicare Cover Nursing Home Care in Arkansas?

Medicare provides limited coverage for short-term stays in a skilled nursing facility following a hospital stay, but seniors must meet a number of specific requirements. This benefit is available to beneficiaries who have been hospitalized for at least three days, excluding the date of discharge, so it’s most valuable for those who are recovering from an injury, illness or surgery.

Once seniors meet the hospitalization requirement, Medicare will pay for up to 100 days of skilled nursing per benefit period. The first 20 days are covered in full. Starting on day 21, beneficiaries must pay a daily coinsurance rate. After day 100, seniors are responsible for the entire cost.

What Does Medicare Cover?

Medicare covers a number of specific services, including:


  • Meals
  • A semiprivate room
  • Medications
  • Skilled nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Audiologist care
  • Medical supplies
  • Medical social services
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Ambulance transportation


What Isn’t Covered by Medicare?

Medicare does not cover long-term custodial care that addresses seniors’ day-to-day needs. This includes help with daily activities, such as bathing, dressing and using medical equipment.

For more information about Medicare and when it covers Nursing Home Care, read our Guide to Nursing Homes.

Medicare Support and Resources in Arkansas

Seniors searching for supplemental insurance options and help answering questions about Medicare coverage have access to several resources in the state. Trained counselors provide unbiased advice on the different options for coverage and help seniors understand their eligibility for a wide range of public assistance programs.

ProgramContactService is a federal website that provides a live chat service and contact information on how to get answers regarding eligibility, plan details, individual claims and supplemental insurance. The site also has a database with information on general health and health conditions, health care facilities, diabetes intervention and other treatment programs. provides information on the different coverage options in each state. It also offers health insurance basics, including how to purchase supplemental insurance and a database of information on some of the most common questions regarding Medicare.
Arkansas State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)(800) 224-6330SHIP provides local, in-depth information regarding Medicare to eligible individuals, their families and caregivers. Local SHIP counselors can answer questions about out-of-pocket costs, coverage changes, how supplemental insurance works and understanding elder rights under Medicare.

Other Financial Assistance Options for Nursing Home Care in Arkansas

While Medicaid and Medicare are two of the most common programs used to pay for Nursing Home Care, there are other financial assistance options available, depending on your unique situation.

NameHow To ApplyHow It Works
Aid and AttendanceLearn more and apply online at who receive a VA pension may also be eligible for the Aid and Attendance benefit, a monthly cash allowance that veterans receive in addition to their standard pension amount. The benefit is intended for veterans in need of long-term care services and may be used towards paying for skilled nursing care.
Reverse MortgagesLearn more about your options and how to apply at ftc.govIf you own a home, you may be able to use a reverse mortgage to help pay for nursing care. Reverse mortgages are loans that one can take out against the value of their home, essentially converting some of the home's equity into cash. Reverse mortgage loans do need to be repaid with interest, typically within 12 months of receiving the loan.
Long-Term Care (LTC) InsuranceLearn more about Long-Term Care Insurance and how to apply for a policy at who already have long-term care insurance may be able to use it to pay for skilled nursing care. Most policies cover at least a portion of the cost, but it depends on the specific policy terms. Note that older adults who are already in need of skilled nursing care will not typically be eligible to sign up for a LTC insurance policy.

Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in Arkansas

There are many resources in Arkansas that assist seniors in their retirement. has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.

Area Agency on Aging

Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Area Agency on Aging800-467-2171Arkansas Area Agencies on Aging connect seniors with resources designed to maintain a high quality of life as their needs increase. They empower seniors to age in place with programs such as Meals on Wheels, senior centers and transportation assistance. In addition, AAAs protect senior rights through long-term care ombudsmen programs and by educating seniors on government assistance. Other critical services include connecting families with caregiver resources and community programs that can serve seniors.

Cash Assistance Programs

Cash assistance programs in Arkansas provide financial support to help low-income retirees remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors and caregivers can apply for tax rebates and reductions, discounts on vital services and help covering the cost of heating and cooling their home.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Lifeline Program800-234-9473The LifeLine Program offers a discount on landline or mobile telephone service, ensuring that participants can stay in contact with loved ones.

Food Assistance Programs

Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help Arkansas seniors afford the nutritious food they need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Meals on WheelsArkansas' Meals on Wheels program seeks to solve food insecurity among seniors who are unable to take care of their nutritional needs due to limited financial resources, mobility or access to grocery stores. Volunteers deliver nutritious meals to seniors' doors while also providing a friendly visit and safety check. Administered through regional Area Agencies on Aging and local senior centers, the program is open to adults aged 60 and older who are homebound or unable to prepare their own meals.
Arkansas Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)Administered by the Arkansas Department of Human Services, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is designed to support low-income seniors aged 60 and older by offering financial aid for purchasing nutritious food. Monthly benefits are distributed through an electronic benefits card that can be used at farmers markets and eligible retailers. This allows seniors to maintain a balanced diet and improve their overall health and well-being. SNAP also connects seniors with resources, such as nutrition education and senior meal programs.

Free Used Medical Equipment

Due to the high cost of purchasing new medical equipment, several organizations in Arkansas collect lightly used medical devices such as wheelchairs, ramps and walkers and distribute them to local seniors and residents in need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Increasing Capabilities Access Network800-828-2799Increasing Capabilities Access Network provides seniors and other Arkansas residents with free and low-cost assistive technology, including medical equipment. Its AT Reuse program reclaims used items and distributes them to those in need.
Arkansas Village Loan Closet501-922-2888Hot Springs residents can borrow medical equipment for free from the Village Loan Closet. Loans are made on an initial three-month term which can be renewed if required. Seniors can find a range of equipment, including canes, walkers, shower chairs, toilet risers, wheelchairs and commodes.
Goodwill Industries of Arkansas' Health Equipment Loan Program877-372-5151Common types of medical equipment found through Goodwill Industries of Arkansas' Health Equipment Loan Program include wheelchairs, rollators and shower chairs. Equipment is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and inventory is dependent on community donations. Seniors can participate by visiting any Goodwill location throughout Arkansas.

Home Repair and Modifications

Seniors and those with disabilities can access a variety of local resources to help them pay for home repairs and modifications. Programs in Arkansas have different eligibility criteria and often assist retirees by providing grants or loans.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Section 504 Home Repair ProgramHomeowners who live in rural areas of Arkansas can apply for the Section 504 Home Repair Program. This program provides grants to seniors aged 62 and older of up to $10,000. The funds can be used to remove health and safety hazards to make the home safe to live in.

Many organizations offer free or low-cost legal services to Arkansas seniors. Older adults can access advice on issues such as estate planning, living wills and power of attorney. Some firms also act as long-term care ombudsmen, advocating for the rights of seniors in senior living communities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program800-467-2171The Arkansas Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program helps ensure that assisted living residents understand their rights under federal laws and regulations. Ombudsmen investigate complaints about long-term care services filed by residents, caregivers and community members; advocate for improvements in long-term care services; and when necessary, escalate concerns to local law enforcement officials.
Low Income TaxPayer Clinic800-952-9243Seniors often qualify for free tax help through Legal Aid of Arkansas and its low-income tax clinic. This not only helps seniors with their tax returns but also assists with free legal representation when elderly adults have IRS tax disputes.

Senior Centers

Senior centers in Arkansas bring together residents through recreational activities and events. Many also offer advice and support on senior issues, run wellness and nutrition programs, and connect older adults with other resources in the local area.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Choices In Living Resource Center866-801-3435Operated by the Arkansas Department of Human Services and open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Choices In Living Resource Center provides callers with information on long-term care services. Operators can help callers learn about available care services, Medicaid programs, assistive technologies, prescription drug plans and help for family caregivers.

Senior Engagement

Senior engagement resources and programs in Arkansas help older adults remain active and ensure they contribute to the community. Resources include wellness programs, volunteer opportunities, support groups and organizations that help residents connect with the community to live fulfilling lives.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Alzheimer's Association Arkansas Chapter800-272-3900The local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association maintains a directory of programs and services to assist seniors in Little Rock living with dementia and their caregivers, especially those who are unpaid. With the help of volunteers, the organization is able to provide respite care to family caregivers in addition to its education and advocacy efforts.

Social Security Offices

Social Security offices in Arkansas help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they're entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Social SecuritySocial Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you'll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working.

Tax Assistance

Seniors can apply for tax assistance from several Arkansas resources. Elderly residents and those with disabilities could be eligible for tax exemptions on medical expenses, reductions on property tax and other tax assistance programs.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Homestead Tax Credit and Homeowner Property Tax ReliefArkansas seniors who own their own homes may be eligible for an annual homestead tax credit of up to $375 per year. In addition, adults aged 65 or older or who are disabled could be entitled to an additional tax relief with the value of their property being frozen for tax purposes.

Utility & Energy Bill Assistance

Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. Arkansas retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they're in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)501-682-0744Arkansas' Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program helps low-income seniors cover the costs of heating and cooling their homes. Residents could be eligible to receive regular benefits or a crisis benefit which prevents disconnection from energy or fuel supplies.

Veteran's Services

Arkansas retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they're eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs501-683-2382The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs works to ensure that all veterans and their eligible dependents have access to county, state and federal benefits including health care, enhanced pension programs and burial honors. Veteran service officers can provide assistance to those applying for VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound, two VA pension programs that can be used to help cover assisted living expenses.
Arkansas VA Benefits and Health CareArkansas's VA Benefits and Health Care provides services for seniors at medical centers in Fayetteville, Little Rock and North Little Rock as well as at community-based outpatient clinics throughout the state. If veterans meet the service and age criteria, they can access medical, social and specialized programs for seniors. Services offered include homemaking, home health, assistance with pension applications and nursing home/residential care.

Nursing Home Laws and Regulations in Arkansas

Licensing Requirements In Arkansas, nursing homes are required to obtain licensing through the Office of Long Term Care. Separate nursing homes owned by a common management company must obtain separate licensing. If a nursing home is sold to a new management company, both the buyer and the seller must notify the Office within 30 days prior to the completion of the sale.
Staffing Requirements Nursing homes are required to maintain specific direct care staff-to-resident ratios. During the day shift, there must be one direct care staff member for every six residents and a licensed nurse for every 40 residents. During the evening shift, there must be a caregiver for every nine residents and a licensed nurse for every 40 residents. The night shift must include one caregiver for every 14 residents and one registered nurse for every 80 residents. Enough direct care staff members must be available at all times to attend to residents' scheduled and unscheduled needs.
Staff Training Requirements Nursing homes are required to provide job orientation for all new hires. This orientation must include an overview of the facility’s layout, its disaster plan and the new employee’s duties and responsibilities. At least 90% of each shift’s caregivers must also receive training on a quarterly basis on the proper use of fire-fighting equipment and evacuation procedures. On an annual basis, all personnel must complete training pertaining to recognizing and reporting abuse. 
Admission Restrictions Residents can only be admitted to a nursing home on the recommendation of a licensed physician. Before admission, prospective residents must be screened for communicable diseases such as tuberculosis. Within 15 days prior to admission or 72 hours after, nursing homes must complete a comprehensive examination of the new resident that includes their hospital history and a physical exam.
Care Planning Requirements Nursing homes must develop care plans based on the attending physician’s recommendations. Care plans must include the resident’s medications, treatment, rehabilitative services, dietary needs and restrictions, precautions that they must take, plans for continuing care and conditions for discharge.
Dietary and Nutritional Services Requirements Nursing homes must provide three meals daily that are approved and appetizing and that include sufficient nutrients for residents. Daily food allowances must include two 8-ounce portions of milk, 5 ounces of meat, at least four servings of fruits and vegetables, at least four servings of bread or cereal, and snacks to round out meals and satisfy residents’ appetite between meals.
Specialized Rehabilitative Services Residents have the right to receive rehabilitative services and restorative therapies. If the facility offers specialized rehabilitative services, they must provide administrative and patient care policies in writing. If they don’t offer rehab services directly, they’re not permitted to admit residents that need these services until they make proper arrangements.
Medication and Pharmaceutical Services Nursing homes can’t administer medications without written orders from a physician or dentist. All medications must be given by authorized nursing personnel, and each resident’s medication must be stored in its original container in its own compartment or bin in a secured medication room.
Activities RequirementsNursing homes are required to provide at least two recreational activities daily. These activities must accommodate residents’ interests, needs and limitations. Residents must be informed of activities ahead of time and given the opportunity to participate.
Infection Control RequirementsNursing homes must have written policies and procedures for investigating, controlling and preventing infections. These must include aseptic and isolation techniques, proper disposal protocol for infected dressings, syringes and needles, and prohibition of the use of shared drinking cups, soap bars or towels.
Medicaid Coverage Nursing home services are covered by Medicaid for residents who meet medical eligibility and income and asset guidelines under the Long Term Services and Supports Medicaid Assistance program.

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