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Memory Care in New Jersey

In New Jersey, those aged 65 and over make up 17% of the 9.3 million residents. Concerning this demographic, the Alzheimer’s Association reports that one in nine people have Alzheimer’s, the most common type of dementia. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show the impact this disease has on public health. In 2020, about 5% of deaths in the state were attributed to Alzheimer’s. While this is down from the 2016 average of 5.5%, it highlights the challenge many New Jersey seniors and families face.

New Jersey has numerous dementia care facilities that provide support for those with Alzheimer’s and their families. These facilities provide a structured environment to reduce stress for residents as well as specialized programming that focuses on residents’ abilities. Similar to standard assisted living facilities, residents have individualized care plans and receive meals, housekeeping and linen services.

This guide provides more information on memory care in New Jersey, including typical care costs and options for paying for services, as well as resources that help families make decisions regarding their loved ones’ care.

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The Cost of Memory Care in New Jersey

When trying to decide how to pay for memory care, one of the first questions that comes up is "How much does it cost?" With the impact of inflation, it's more important than ever to have up-to-date information when making a financial plan for senior living. To help shed light on real senior living prices, has compiled proprietary cost data from its network of over 75,000 senior living providers to offer insight into the average cost of memory care in New Jersey and its 35 cities.

The Cost of Memory Care in New Jersey's Top Cities

Since care costs in New Jersey can vary greatly depending on the location, it pays off for seniors to research and decide on a facility that fits their needs and budget. At $3,300, Edison is a good option for those seeking lower prices, as is Jackson, at $5,550 per month. Costs increase even more in Trenton, with an average of $7,635, and in Hamilton, where residents pay about $9,795.

New Jersey










Inflation's Impact on the Cost of Memory Care in New Jersey

Memory care prices fluctuate from year to year due to a variety of factors, including inflation. Rates in New Jersey did change from 2022 to 2023, but for the better; during this period, fees decreased by 11.3% from $7,091 to $6,289, defying the upward trend across the United States, where costs rose by 10.4% on average.Currently, Connecticut is the only nearby state where prices also fell, but only by 0.7%. In stark contrast, costs increased by 11.9% and 23% in Pennsylvania and New York, respectively, and seniors in Delaware saw their 2023 fees rise by a dramatic 39.5%.

Location2022 Cost (Historical)2023 Cost (Current)2024 Cost (Estimated)
New Jersey$7,091$6,289$6,787
U.S. Average$4,863$5,369$5,792
New York$5,244$6,449$6,416

The Costs of Other Types of Senior Living

Seniors who require minimal assistance may be more attracted to independent living options, which start at $3,358 in New Jersey. In contrast, assisted living is better suited to those who would benefit from 24/7 staffing and help with daily activities for around $5,175 per month. On the other hand, memory care’s higher price point of $6,289 covers more comprehensive services, including supervision by specially trained staff, advanced security measures and cognitively enhancing activities.

Assisted Living


Memory Care


Independent Living


Does Medicaid Cover Memory Care in New Jersey?

Note: For the purposes of this guide, when we say “Memory Care” we are referring to memory care provided in a “social setting,” such as an Assisted Living Facility. This is the most common way to receive Memory Care and is the best fit for all but the frailest seniors. Sometimes the actual service of memory care can be provided in a Nursing Home (“medical setting”), so the financial assistance options will be very different. To learn more about the financial assistance options available for memory care provided in a nursing home, read our guide to Nursing Home Care in New Jersey.

New Jersey’s Medicaid program, Managed Long Term Services and Supports, provides comprehensive medical care and support services for people through a managed care organization that’s Medicaid-approved.

Seniors in New Jersey who qualify for Medicaid and need residential memory care services can apply for Medicaid benefits online or through the social services office within their county. If an individual is already enrolled in New Jersey Medicaid, he or she should call the member services department at their managed care organization or contact the closest Aging and Disability Resource Connection to start the application process for Managed Long Term Services and Supports.

What Memory Care Services Are Covered by Medicaid in New Jersey?

The care and services available through the New Jersey Managed Long Term Services and Supports program are provided to seniors via NJ FamilyCare Managed Care Organizations, which manage and cover the healthcare services that are typically paid for by Medicaid. These covered services typically include:

  • Care management
  • Memory care services in an assisted living facility
  • Personal care assistance
  • Access to all benefits included in the NJ FamilyCare Plan A

This New Jersey Medicaid program does not cover the costs associated with assisted living room and board.

How to Know if You’re Eligible for Medicaid in New Jersey

How to Know if You’re Eligible for Medicaid in New Jersey 

In New Jersey, Medicaid eligibility for long-term care services is contingent on your household income, assets, residency, citizenship, age and disability classification. To be eligible for Medicaid and the Managed Long Term Services and Supports program, you must be:

  • 65 years old or older
  • A New Jersey resident
  • A U.S. citizen, permanent resident or have legal permission to live in the U.S.
  • In financial need with a maximum household income of $32,904  or less if applying as an individual
  • In possession of no more than $2,000 in assets (excluding an owner- or spouse-occupied home which has a home equity interest of $955,000 or less)
  • In need of a nursing home level of care based on cognitive and functional assessments

2022 Basic Medicaid Income Limits for Seniors in New Jersey

Household SizeNumber of ApplicantsIncome Limits Per Year*Asset Limits: Applicant(s)Asset Limits: Non-Applicants
One Person1$32,904$2,000
Two Person1$32,904**$2,000$148,620
Two Person2$65,808$3,000

*Depending on the facility setting, a recipient may not be able to keep income up to this level.

**Income limit is for applicant only.

How to Apply for Medicaid in New Jersey

Clinical eligibility for New Jersey’s Managed Long Term Services and Supports is determined through the Division of Aging Services. To be eligible for Medicaid, first, an individual must apply for Medicaid benefits. This can be done online at the NY Family Care website or by going in-person to a local New Jersey County Welfare Agency.

For individuals who are already receiving Medicaid benefits, representatives at an Aging and Disability Resource Connection can help with an application for the Managed Long Term Services and Supports program.

Information and Documentation You Will Need

When you apply for Medicaid in New Jersey, you will need to provide documentation that contains information pertaining to your personal and financial status. For instance, proof of income for the last five years will be needed, including a Social Security Award Letter, Veterans Administration Award Letter and bank or investment account statements.

You may need to show copies of Federal Income Tax Returns, burial plot information, special needs trusts, prepaid funeral contracts, burial funds and other financial resources.

You will also be asked to show:


  • Proof of age (US passport or birth certificate, driver’s license, state-issued ID)
  • Proof of citizenship (US passport or birth certificate, naturalization papers, etc.)
  • Identity Proof (US passport or photo license)
  • Proof of marital status (marriage certificate or divorce decree, death certificate, separation papers)
  • Documentation of your living expenses (rent receipts, phone, water/sewer, health insurance, electric bills; mortgage statements, etc.)
  •  Copies of your Power of Attorney or Guardianship documentation

How to Get Help Applying for Medicaid

Seniors in New Jersey who need assistance in determining their eligibility and applying for Medicaid can receive free help from experts through a local program called Get Covered NJ. Trained, certified navigators assist individuals, either in person or remotely, to find out more information or apply for NJ FamilyCare, Medicaid and other programs.

The Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services administers the NJ FamilyCare programs for low-income seniors. A Medicaid Hotline is also available through the Department of Human Services to provide information and help with Medicaid enrollment. The Division of Aging Services Area Agency on Aging provides seniors with help in identifying needs and helping determine their options, with links to services and providers. The New Jersey Department of Human Services also has the NJHelps website to assist with obtaining health insurance like Medicaid.

ProgramContactServices provided
Get Covered NJ1-833-677-1010Local certified agents are available to help with information and application enrollment in NJ FamilyCare, the publicly funded health insurance program for seniors who qualify for Medicaid.
Division of Aging Services1-877-222-3737Help is available to answer questions about New Jersey Medicaid, including eligibility factors as well as other social programs. This Area Agency on Aging division has offices in each of New Jersey's counties to provide easy access to information about long-term services and supports.
Medicaid Hotline Department of Human Services1-800-356-1561A state social services caseworker assists with determining your eligibility for Medicaid and services.
NJHelps1-800-701-0710Seniors can apply for Medicaid's NJ FamilyCare program with help from a health benefits coordinator, either in person or over the phone. Offices are located in every county.

Does Medicare Cover Memory Care in New Jersey?

The short answer is that no, Medicare does not cover the cost of memory care in New Jersey. As was mentioned above, this doesn’t apply to Memory Care received in a Nursing Home. Since it is the most common to receive memory care in a “social setting” (such as an assisted living facility), Medicare won’t be a viable financial assistance option for most seniors who need Memory Care. However, Medicare will still cover things like approved medications, doctor visits, medical equipment, etc., just like it would if you lived at home.

For more information about when Medicare can be used to pay for Memory Care in a nursing home, and for Medicare-related resources, see our guide to Nursing Homes in New Jersey.

Other Financial Assistance Options for Memory Care in New Jersey

Seniors who are not eligible (due to location, financial situation, or other factors) for other types of financial assistance, do still have some options. See the table below for an overview of some of the most common ways to make Memory Care affordable.

NameHow To ApplyHow It Works
Aid and AttendanceLearn more and apply online at who receive a VA pension may also be eligible for the Aid and Attendance benefit, a monthly cash allowance that veterans receive in addition to their standard pension amount. The benefit is intended for veterans in need of long-term care services and may be used towards paying for Memory Care.
Reverse MortgagesLearn more about your options and how to apply at ftc.govIf you own a home, you may be able to use a reverse mortgage to help pay for Memory Care. Reverse mortgages are loans that one can take out against the value of their home, essentially converting some of the home's equity into cash. Reverse mortgage loans do need to be repaid with interest, typically within 12 months of receiving the loan.
Long-Term Care (LTC) InsuranceLearn more about Long-Term Care Insurance and how to apply for a policy at who already have long-term care insurance may be able to use it to pay for Memory Care. Most policies cover at least a portion of the cost, but it depends on the specific policy terms. Note that older adults who are already in need of Memory Care will not typically be eligible to sign up for a LTC insurance policy.

Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in New Jersey

There are many resources in New Jersey that assist seniors in their retirement. has compiled information on local organizations, programs and agencies and categorized them into care types for easy reference.


Area Agency on Aging

Retirees can find support and advice on various senior-related issues from their local Area Agency on Aging. The agency provides advice on topics such as financial assistance programs, in-home care and long-term care planning. It also connects seniors and caregivers with community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Area Agencies on AgingThere are 21 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in New Jersey, one in each of the counties in the state. They offer helpful, relevant programs and services geared toward senior New Jerseyans, such as the Hearing Aid Assistance Program and the Senior Gold Prescription Discount Program. Agencies also connect seniors to services including transportation, case management, homemaker and respite services, community-based meal programs and educational courses for caregivers.

Cash Assistance Programs

Cash assistance programs in New Jersey provide financial support to help low-income retirees remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors and caregivers can apply for tax rebates and reductions, discounts on vital services and help covering the cost of heating and cooling their home.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Lifeline Program800-234-9473The LifeLine Program offers a discount on landline or mobile telephone service, ensuring that participants can stay in contact with loved ones.

Financial Assistance for Senior Care and Senior Living

Whether living in their own home or in a senior living community, New Jersey seniors can find financial assistance from numerous local resources. These organizations help residents cover some of the costs associated with in-home or long-term care and connect them with other helpful community-based resources.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Assistance for Community CaregivingJersey Assistance for Community Caregiving is a statefunded program that covers the cost of services that can help seniors stay in their homes. As part of the program, eligible seniors may qualify for modifications to make their homes safer or more accessible. Participants may have to pay a copay for some services
New Jersey Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS)800-792-8820Managed Long-Term Services and Supports is the managed care program administered by NJ FamilyCare. MLTSS uses a network of managed care organizations to coordinate services for Medicaid enrollees who need long-term care at home or in a residential care setting. Depending on a member's needs, MLTSS may cover home modifications, respite care, meal delivery, assisted living, nursing home care or community residential services
New Jersey Personal Preference Program609-631-2481The Personal Preference Program lets eligible members select and manage their own long-term care services. Each member is given a monthly budget and can choose any combination of covered services to increase their comfort and maintain their health and independence. PPP benefits may be used to pay for housekeeping, home health services, personal care and equipment that isn't covered by traditional Medicaid.

Food Assistance Programs

Local organizations help ensure elderly citizens have a balanced diet and receive essential vitamins and minerals to remain healthy. Through nutrition programs, congregate meals, home-delivered meals and food pantries, these programs help New Jersey seniors afford the nutritious food they need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Meals on WheelsAs part of the national Meals on Wheels network, New Jersey Meals on Wheels helps seniors who experience food insecurity. While the organization doesn't directly distribute or collect food, it can help seniors find free congregate meal sites, food pantries and home delivery options in their local area. Volunteer drivers also provide a regular welfare check for seniors on their routes. By MOW policy, seniors aren't turned away due to inability to pay, though donations are accepted.

Free Used Medical Equipment

Due to the high cost of purchasing new medical equipment, several organizations in New Jersey collect lightly used medical devices such as wheelchairs, ramps and walkers and distribute them to local seniors and residents in need.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Assistive Technology Lending Center888-695-0845The Assistive Technology Lending Center is a free service that allows New Jersey residents with disabilities to borrow a wide range of assistive devices. Available items include transfer devices, wrist rests, call chimes and telephone amplifiers.
New Jersey Bikur Cholim Medical Equipment G'Mach973-472-1030The Bikur Cholim of Passaic-Clifton operates a medical equipment bank, making donated items available to anyone who needs them. Available items include scooters, canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs.
New Jersey Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center800-922-7233The Richard West ATAC uses federal funds to make assistive technology more accessible to the people who need it. The center partners with Goodwill Home Medical to make certain items available for free.

Health Insurance & Prescription Drug Coverage for Seniors

New Jersey seniors who meet certain income criteria can apply to local resources to help them pay for prescription drugs. Eligible residents can also receive assistance through health insurance and other programs to access free or discounted medical services.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled Program (PAAD)800-792-9745The PAAD Program makes prescription drugs more affordable for seniors and younger adults with disabilities. Medicare-eligible individuals must enroll in Medicare Part D, but PAAD covers the monthly premium for a basic Part D plan, keeping out-of-pocket costs as low as possible. Once Medicare Part D benefits are applied, a PAAD participant pays a copay of $5 for an approved generic drug or $7 for an approved brand-name drug. If Medicare Part D doesn't cover a drug, the PAAD participant must switch to a covered drug or ask their doctor to request an exception due to medical necessity.
New Jersey Senior Gold Program800-792-9745The Senior Gold Program helps eligible residents of New Jersey pay for prescription medications, injectable medications for multiple sclerosis and insulin needles and syringes. Senior Gold discounts can be combined with Medicare Part D coverage, reducing a senior's out-of-pocket prescription costs. For each covered drug, a Senior Gold participant pays a $15 copay and 50% of the remaining cost once Medicare Part D benefits are applied.

Home Repair and Modifications

Seniors and those with disabilities can access a variety of local resources to help them pay for home repairs and modifications. Programs in New Jersey have different eligibility criteria and often assist retirees by providing grants or loans.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Weatherization Assistance Program609-292-4080The New Jersey Weatherization Assistance Program offers grants to help older adults and younger adults with disabilities conserve energy, protect their homes against the elements and increase energy efficiency. Funds may be used to add weather stripping, install insulation, replace inefficient water heaters and make energy-related repairs.

Many organizations offer free or low-cost legal services to New Jersey seniors. Older adults can access advice on issues such as estate planning, living wills and power of attorney. Some firms also act as long-term care ombudsmen, advocating for the rights of seniors in senior living communities.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Community Health Law Project (CHLP)973-275-1175The Community Health Law Project advocates for frail seniors and those on low incomes. It specializes in several areas of civil law. For example, it can help seniors who were denied Medicaid or Medicare and refused public benefits, such as SSI. It also handles consumer law and living wills.
New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman877-582-6995The NJ Long-Term Care Ombudsman is an independent advocate for seniors living in residential care facilities throughout the state. Its ombudsmen are directly appointed by the state governor. Their duties include visiting facilities to speak in confidence with residents, inform them of their rights and investigate any complaints they have with their care providers. The ombudsman can negotiate solutions but not impose its recommendations. However, if a complaint suggests criminal behavior, such as elder abuse, the ombudsman will refer it to the appropriate law enforcement entity.

Senior Centers

Senior centers in New Jersey bring together residents through recreational activities and events. Many also offer advice and support on senior issues, run wellness and nutrition programs, and connect older adults with other resources in the local area.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey 211877-652-1148211 New Jersey is the state's branch of a national organization. Within New Jersey, 211 can help residents locate and access agencies and nonprofits in their area dedicated to helping seniors within the community and in residential care. Whereas an Area Agency on Aging can directly help seniors by coordinating assistance from multiple state-sponsored agencies, 211 can refer them to nonprofits funded by donations and supported by volunteers who may offer help not provided by the state. 211 also has a 24-hour helpline, so seniors aren't limited to when they contact the free service.

Senior Engagement

Senior engagement resources and programs in New Jersey help older adults remain active and ensure they contribute to the community. Resources include wellness programs, volunteer opportunities, support groups and organizations that help residents connect with the community to live fulfilling lives.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
Alzheimer's Association Greater New Jersey Chapter800-272-3900The Alzheimer's Association is a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing services and treatments for those living with memory loss. The New Jersey Chapter offers a range of online and in-person resources, including patient and caregiver support groups, educational sessions and advocacy services. Anyone can contact the AA for information about local resources.
Alzheimer's New Jersey888-280-6055ALZNJ was previously affiliated with the Alzheimer's Association and is now an independent nonprofit organization. It serves all of New Jersey from its headquarters in Roseland by providing information and connections to relevant services at the local level. ALZNJ hosts educational events and support groups across the state and provides care consultations to seniors and caregivers during the early stages. The organization can also connect residents with clinical trials, as well as legal and financial planning.

Social Security Offices

Social Security offices in New Jersey help seniors and disabled people access the benefits they're entitled to. Older adults can contact their local office for information about receiving retirement benefits, disability allowance and Supplemental Security Income.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Social SecuritySocial Security is a source of income available to retirees and people who can no longer work because of a disability. The money for Social Security comes from a payroll tax levied on employers, employees and self-employed individuals. When you retire, you'll receive monthly payments based on how much you earned when you were working.

Tax Assistance

Seniors can apply for tax assistance from several New Jersey resources. Elderly residents and those with disabilities could be eligible for tax exemptions on medical expenses, reductions on property tax and other tax assistance programs.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Deduction609-292-6400The Senior Citizens and Disabled Property Tax Deduction is open to those aged 65 and older or who are living with a disability and have been residents of New Jersey for at least one year. The program gives eligible residents a deduction on their property tax bill, with the amount currently set at $250.

Utility & Energy Bill Assistance

Low-income seniors who are struggling to meet the costs of maintaining their homes can find support from organizations that offer assistance with utility and energy bills. New Jersey retirees could also qualify for emergency funding programs if they're in danger of losing utility services due to unpaid invoices.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)800-510-3102The LIHEAP helps low-income residents of New Jersey cover their heating and cooling bills. It also makes provisions for emergency fuel assistance and heating systems via the Home Energy Assistance Program. The program is open to residents of all ages who meet the income requirements.

Veteran's Services

New Jersey retirees who have served in the U.S. military can find support from local veteran services. These offices and organizations help vets access the benefits they're eligible for and provide advice and information on a variety of issues.

Program NamePhone NumberDescription
New Jersey VA Benefits and Health CareNew Jersey VA Benefits and Health Care offers health care services to senior veterans through its medical centers and outpatient clinics. Additionally, the dedicated staff can provide valuable assistance with claims at benefits offices or guidance for other sources of support or specialized services. New Jersey also has two National Cemeteries to provide a resting place of honor for departed veterans. Furthermore, any veteran can reach a crisis worker at any time by dialing 988 and pressing 1.

Memory Care Laws and Regulations in New Jersey

New Jersey residential facilities that offer memory care services and dedicated residential memory care programs are regulated by the New Jersey Department of Health. State regulations cover the level of care these facilities can offer, rules around medication administration and staff training requirements. In New Jersey, memory care facilities may be licensed as Assisted Living Residences (ALRs) or Comprehensive Personal Care Homes (CPCHs).

Scope of CareMemory care facilities can provide 24/7 support, supervision and assistance with activities of daily living. Facilities cannot admit or retain seniors who need around-the-clock nursing care, or who display aggressive behaviors that could harm themselves or other residents.
Care Plan RequirementsMemory care facilities must obtain a pre-admission health care assessment completed by a licensed medical practitioner no more than 30 days before admission. Once a new resident is admitted, facilities must complete a care plan in coordination with the resident, their family and a licensed registered nurse within 14 days, and this plan must be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Medication Management RequirementsCaregivers may help residents self-administer medications following successful completion of approved training delivered by a licensed pharmacist or registered nurse. Only regulated and licensed medical professionals may administer medications in accordance with their licence.
Staff Screening RequirementsAdministrators, health care aides and personal care assistants must swear an affidavit with their legal name, social insurance number and the name of their employer attesting that they have not been convicted of any offences that could make them ineligible to work with vulnerable populations such as seniors.
Staff Training RequirementsAll direct care staff must complete an orientation in memory care before commencing work in a memory care facility, and personal care aides must pursue at least 20 hours of ongoing education every two years thereafter.
Medicaid CoverageNew Jersey’s Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports program covers the cost of care in a memory care facility for qualified seniors.
Reporting AbuseSuspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of any resident living in a New Jersey memory care community should be reported to the New Jersey Long-Term Care Ombudsman at (877) 582-6995. Situations involving an immediate threat to the health and safety of a resident should be reported to the local law enforcement agency.

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