(5 reviews)
"The caregivers are very prompt. The schedulers are very careful to call me before there are any coverage issues. ..."
READ MOREAlso serving communities of Mildred, New Albany, Lopez, Laporte, Forksville.
Caring.com offers a free service to help families find senior care. To help you with your search, browse the 0 review below for senior care in Dushore. On average, consumers rate senior care in Dushore .
To speak with one of our Family Advisors about senior care options and costs in Dushore, call (855) 948-3865.
5 Results
(5 reviews)
"The caregivers are very prompt. The schedulers are very careful to call me before there are any coverage issues. ..."
(2 reviews)
"We were pleased with Life Force. We were pleased with the care that my mother was getting. The caregiver was very good. My mother was not cooperative but she's very patient with her. We were happy with them. ..."
(1 reviews)
"I have been dealing with home healthcare for 3 3/4 years and found this agency VERY lacking in qualified staff, many staff were sent to me with little to no experience with a Hoyer Lift. This is a no reflection on the caregivers but the management. ..."
READ MORE"Looking for a professional home care company to care for your loved one? Guardian Home & Community Services is it. We offer a full line of..."
READ MORE"Looking for a professional home care company to care for your loved one? Guardian Home & Community Services is it. We offer a full line of..."
READ MORECaring's Family Advisors are here to help you with questions about senior living and care options.