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In-Home Care in New Mexico

More than 2.1 million people call New Mexico home, including almost 381,000 seniors aged 65 or older. New Mexico boasts 56 hospitals, including several high-performing hospitals. Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque snagged eight high-performing U.S. News & World Report designations.

The state waives income tax for centenarians, but until then, most seniors pay taxes on their retirement funds. Those who meet income restrictions, however, earn a retirement-income exemption of up to $8,000.

The Land of Enchantment got a little more enchanting for seniors in 2022. The state previously taxed Social Security benefits, but as of the 2022 changes, single filers with an adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less and joint filers with an AGI of $150,000 or less are not taxed for Social Security benefits.

Property taxes are on the low side, and New Mexico offers property tax credit and deferral programs for low-income seniors, providing a perk for those living at home with the help of in-home care. New Mexico has a relatively low average cost of home care at $4,605 per month, and the home health care average is only higher by approximately $50. Home care provides personal assistance, while home health offers medical services, including various therapies.

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The Cost of In-Home Care in New Mexico

The average cost of in-home care in New Mexico is about $350 less than the national average according to the 2021 Genworth Cost of Care Survey. It’s also lower than all but one bordering state. Texas boasts the lowest average at $4,576 per month for in-home care. Oklahoma has a higher average of $4,862. Of the three remaining adjacent states, Arizona is higher by more than $700 at $5,339, and Utah is more than $1,000 above New Mexico’s average with its rate of $5,625. Colorado has the highest monthly price; at a cost of $6,387, Colorado is higher than New Mexico by nearly $1,800.

New Mexico


The United States










Although it’s the second-most populous city in the state, Las Cruces in southern New Mexico has the smallest average monthly cost of in-home care of all New Mexico cities listed on Genworth. It averaged $4,195, well under the state average of $4,605. The state’s most populated city, Albuquerque, was close to the state average at $4,671. Farmington in the northwest has a much higher average cost at $5,529, but the state’s capital, Santa Fe, is significantly more than all the other cities highlighted. Its rate of $6,378 makes it nearly $2,200 more than the state average.

Las Cruces






Santa Fe


Adult day health care costs much less than home and home health care, but it offers limited services in a group setting. Assisted living offers many of the same services as in-home care and home health care combined at a lower cost. However, at $4,498 compared to $4,605 for home care and $4,652 for home health care, assisted living has only a slightly lower price. It also requires seniors to move to a congregate residential setting. Nursing homes also require a congregate residential setting but offer much more support. This option runs the highest cost at $7,604 per month.

In-Home Care


Home Health Care


Adult Day Health Care


Assisted Living Facility


Nursing Home Facility


Does Medicaid Cover Home Care in New Mexico?

New Mexico’s Medicaid program is called Centennial Care, and it provides health care services for eligible seniors through four managed care organizations (MCOs). Centennial Care went into effect on January 1, 2014, and the switch changed some features and benefits of the state’s Medicaid program. One significant change was within the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program.

HCBS Waiver programs no longer exist under Centennial Care, so New Mexico doesn’t currently have a Medicaid Waiver specifically for seniors. However, it does directly cover home care through its Community Benefit Program for Medicaid recipients and some non-recipients.

Former recipients of the Coordination of Long-Term Services (CoLTS C) Medicaid Waiver, also referred to as the Disabled and Elderly Waiver, now receive their in-home care services through the Community Benefit Program. This program provides services to help seniors live independently in their homes and community instead of in long-term care facilities.

Seniors who qualify for Medicaid and want to receive in-home care must also apply for the Community Benefit Program. Seniors already enrolled in full coverage Medicaid with a Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) should speak with their care coordinators or MCO representatives about enrolling in the Community Benefit Program. Allocations are also available for those who don’t qualify for Medicaid to receive Community Benefit Services, but these applicants must join a waiting list and receive services as they become available.

How to Know if You’re Eligible for Medicaid in New Mexico

Eligibility for Medicaid requires recipients fall below income and resource limits. In 2022, the maximum monthly income was $841 for individuals or $1,261 for couples under Aged, Blind and Disabled Medicaid Programs. These monthly amounts work out to $10,092 for singles or $15,137 for couples annually. Resource limits are $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples, with burial funds of up to $1,500 excludable.

2022 Medicaid Income Limits for Seniors in New Mexico

Income limits*Asset limits

*Per year

  • Be aged 65 or older, blind, disabled or have a household family member with a disability
  • Be a resident of New Mexico
  • Be a U.S. citizen or national, permanent resident or legal alien
  • Have a need for health care or health insurance assistance

How to Apply for Medicaid in New Mexico

The quickest way to apply for Centennial Care/Medicaid in New Mexico is online via its YesNM Online Portal. Applicants who apply for Medicaid on YesNM may receive their results in as little as 10 minutes through the state’s Express Eligibility process. Other options for applying for Medicaid include:

  • Completing an application over the phone by calling the Consolidated Customer Service Center at 1-800-283-4465
  • Taking a completed application to the nearest Income Support Division Office
  • Mailing a completed, signed application to Central ASPEN Scanning Area, PO Box 830, Bernalillo, NM 87004
  • Faxing a completed, signed application to 1-855-804-8960

What Information You Will Need

Medicaid applicants must submit various documents based on their situation. The following information and/or documentation may be required:

  • Social Security Number
  • Proof of identity and age, such as driver’s license, birth certificate, Social Security card, Certificate of Indian Blood, voter registration card, passport or other approved form of ID
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship or immigration status
  • Medical records proving disability, if applicable
  • Tax filing information
  • Information on earned income, such as check stubs, tax records or letters from employers
  • Documentation of other income, including Social Security, pensions, retirement, rental income, unemployment, capital gains, royalties, financial gifts and gambling winnings
  • Unpaid medical bills from the last three months
  • List of all public and private health insurance, including Medicare
  • Indian Health Services information, if applicable
  • Proof of residency, such as mortgage, rental agreement, utility bill or letter to the applicant addressed to them at the address provided on the application

How to Get Help Applying for Medicaid

Various government departments and nonprofit organizations offer seniors help finding health care and in-home services, including resources to help complete their Centennial Care application. Seniors needing assistance getting the services they need can turn to these resources in person, over the phone or online.

ProgramContactAreaServedServices provided
New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department(800) 432-2080StatewideALTSD provides home and community-based information and services that allow older individuals to remain in their homes and receive supportive services. Seniors may call, email or chat with ALTSD staff to learn more about in-home services funded through Medicaid or Veteran’s services. It’s also a resource for numerous senior services, benefits and long-term care counseling, nutrition programs and other valuable assistance.
State of New Mexico, Network of Care Resource DirectoryN/AStatewideThe Resource Directory is part of New Mexico’s Network of Care and offers a comprehensive online database of local community resources for seniors and their caregivers. Users may search the database by zip code or view resources by category and filter them by county. Provided resources include those that help with health insurance, Medicaid and home care services.
New Mexico United Way 2-1-12-1-1StatewideUnited Way 2-1-1 provides free information and referrals to health and human services and community-based organizations. It provides an extensive list of appropriate referrals to resources that help with basic human needs, senior services, disability programs and physical and mental health resources, including help with Medicaid, Medicare and other health programs. Seniors across the state can dial 2-1-1 for local assistance or visit one of the regional United Way websites to find resources online. Regional sites include:,United Way of Southwest New Mexico
United Way of Eastern New Mexico
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Northern New Mexico

Does Medicare Cover In-Home Care in New Mexico?

In general, Medicare does not cover the cost of non-medical home care. That being said, there are situations in which Medicare provides some coverage for medical home care, referred to as “Home Healthcare.” There are several eligibility restrictions for coverage, including that individuals must be homebound and have a referral from their doctor specifically for home healthcare services.

Below is an overview of some of the skilled medical professionals whose in-home services are typically covered by Medicare – for more in-depth information, refer to our Guide to Home Healthcare.

  • Physical Therapists: Physical therapy is used to help patients recover from injuries (broken bones, knee injuries, etc.), treat ongoing conditions such as arthritis, and assist in recovery from surgeries and procedures such as a knee or hip replacement.
  • Visiting Nurses: Licensed nurses can provide a number of medical services for those who don’t need to stay in the hospital, but do need regular medical services such as wound care, changing feeding tubes, etc.
  • Occupational Therapists: Occupational therapists help seniors regain or maintain the ability to accomplish normal, daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and other daily activities.
  • Speech Therapists: Speech therapists help seniors who are struggling to adequately communicate due to a stroke, dementia, or any other cause regain the ability to functionally communicate using a variety of means. Additionally, speech therapists help to keep seniors independent by modifying diets, teaching special techniques to swallow safely, and retraining associated muscles.

As mentioned above, in-home care is distinctly different from home healthcare. But, there can be some overlap in services between the two types of care. So, while Medicare doesn’t cover non-medical in-home care, there are in-home care services that may be covered in special circumstances when they’re provided in conjunction with home healthcare (such as an occupational therapist helping with eating or dressing)

Other Financial Assistance Options for In-Home Care in New Mexico

While the above programs help many people finance in-home care, they will not cover all costs for everyone. There are other ways to pay for in-home care, including out-of-pocket arrangements with siblings, annuities, reverse mortgages, private insurance and more. Read’s Guide to In-Home Care Costs to learn more about these alternative payment options.

Free and Low-Cost Resources for Seniors in New Mexico

Seniors throughout New Mexico have access to various free resources to help them stay engaged in their communities and live safely and independently in their homes. Government entities, nonprofits, and community organizations offer programs and services to support aging adults, covering everything from nutritious meals to home improvements. 

Aging and Disability Resource Center(505) 476-4846StatewideThe ADRC helps elders, disabled persons and caregivers find services and resources to help them live independently. Services include benefits counseling, information and assistance, prescription drug assistance, health care fraud prevention, long-term options counseling, health care options and a social services directory.
Area Agency on AgingContact a regional officeStatewideNew Mexico has four AAAs to help seniors aged 60 or older throughout the state through community-based services. Individuals may use services at ages 55 or older for tribal programs. Specific services vary by location but can include adult day care, case management, caregiver support, chore services, respite, transportation, home-delivered meals and legal services.
New Mexico Legal Aid(833) 545-4357StatewideNew Mexico Legal Aid provides free services to eligible low-income New Mexico residents with civil matters. It doesn’t handle criminal matters. Services range from advice, education and brief services. In some cases, it provides full representation. Legal Aid may also refer seniors to free attorneys or self-help centers.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(800) 283-4465StatewideLIHEAP helps eligible applicants with their heating and cooling costs. Seniors may apply through the online YesNM Portal or submit a paper application to the nearest NM Human Services Department. LIHEAP may assist with disconnected services and lack of bulk fuels, such as wood or propane.
New Mexico Energy$mart Weatherization Assistance ProgramContact an MFA service providerStatewideThe New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority administers the Energy$mart weatherization assistance program. Energy$mart provides free energy-saving services, such as retrofits and home modifications, to eligible homeowners and renters throughout the state. The program automatically approves households receiving SSI and prioritizes households with residents aged 60 or older, disabled residents, children or high energy use. Seniors must submit their applications directly to an MFA service provider, not the MFA.
New Mexico Senior CentersContact local senior centerStatewideNew Mexico has a network of over 240 senior centers with various programs available. These centers usually offer nutritious congregate meals, social activities, volunteer opportunities, recreational activities, health screenings, consumer education and other services for aging adults. Some centers may provide transportation programs or have unique offerings.

In-Home Care Laws and Regulations in New Mexico

Home health agencies in New Mexico are regulated by the New Mexico Department of Health. It monitors and enforces quality standards to help ensure the public receives care that promotes their quality of life.

Scope of CareHome health agencies can provide medically directed therapeutic or supportive services. This can include clinical services, such as skilled nursing, social services or physical therapy, and non-clinical support, including personal care and homemaker services. Agencies can only offer services to people living within 100 miles from the licensed location of the agency.
Care Plan RequirementsA written plan of care must be established for each client that establishes the goals for the care and is reviewed at least annually. When medically-directed care is being received, the plan of care must be established and reviewed by a licensed professional, such as a physician or nurse practitioner.
Medication Management RequirementsThere are no specific regulations covering medication management for home health agencies in New Mexico.
Staff Screening RequirementsAll caregivers must have nationwide criminal history screening. People who have a disqualifying conviction, which includes crimes involving abuse, neglect or exploitation, may not be hired.
Staff Training RequirementsCaregivers providing clinical services must be licensed to provide these services. Home health aides must complete a training program that includes at least 16 hours of supervised practical training prior to beginning work. They must also complete at least 12 hours of in-house training annually.Caregivers providing homemaker or personal care services must complete a program of at least 40 hours training during their first year of employment. They must also participate in at least 10 hours of in-house training annually.
Medicaid CoverageNew Mexico's Community Benefit program will cover some or all of the cost of in-home care for those who qualify.
Reporting AbuseAbuse should be reported to Adult Protective Services at 866-654-3219 or 505-476-4912.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Find an In-Home Care Provider in New Mexico

Whether you are looking for yourself or a loved one, finding a quality home care provider can be a stressful process. When you hire an in-home care aide you’re placing a lot of trust in the hands of the person by inviting them into your home, so you’ll want to be diligent in your search. At, we’re here to help – we’ve created a helpful checklist below that can help guide you through the process of both determining your needs and finding a home care agency that will provide the best care possible.

Finding a Home Care Provider Checklist

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Home Care in New Mexico



Bernalillo County

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