Some seniors find shopping and cooking difficult, and the easiest meal prep service for them would be one that delivers hot, ready-to-eat meals or ones that can be reheated easily in the microwave. Some meal prep services supply foods that require careful storage or more extensive preparation, and these services may not be suitable for a senior who struggles with mobility or has memory difficulties.

Some Meal Prep Services Are Aimed at Younger Adults

Today, even some younger adults lead such busy lives they don’t have the time to research recipes and shop for the ingredients. Recipe box services such as HelloFresh are aimed at that kind of audience. Active, healthy seniors may enjoy experimenting with new recipes each week, but these recipe box services usually supply large quantities of food, and the recipes may take a long time to prepare.

Full Meal Services May Be More Suitable for Older Adults

The easiest meal prep service for older adults is one that supplies meals that are ready to cook, with minimal preparation required. These services aren’t always marketed directly to seniors. Some are aimed at athletes or people who are watching their weight and want calorie-controlled portions. Services such as Diet-to-Go offer low-carb and vegetarian options as well as meals for those who are diabetic or have other special dietary requirements.

Consider Portion Sizes To Reduce Food Waste

It’s common for older adults to have smaller appetites. Meal prep services aimed at younger adults or families may supply more food than an older person can finish before it spoils. Rather than wasting money on food that won’t be eaten, consider choosing a senior-focused meal prep service or one that offers the option of smaller delivery boxes. These services can help reduce food waste and the stressful feeling of being presented with “too much” food each week.