Restless Pacing
When it happens
Moderate-stage dementia
Why it happens
Repetitive activities are soothing to some people with dementia; others simply get stuck on certain habits. Boredom is another cause.
What you can do
It's best to give into this behavior rather than trying to restrain your loved one or insisting that he or she stop -- even though witnessing this relentless movement can be frustrating to you.
Be sure to give a wide berth. If you crowd too closely, you might cause your loved one to feel physically threatened.
Try to channel this excessive energy by directing it to yard work (picking up sticks, raking leaves, stacking wood) or housework (scrubbing a floor, vacuuming, sweeping). Any repetitive busywork can help.
Take care that your loved one doesn't wander off. Restless pacing can lead to wandering in some individuals.