Caregiver: Tina B.

Employer: Visiting Angels
Location: Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Inspiration for this Nomination:
We knew that Tina was an exceptional caregiver when we had so many requests for Tina to come back. Tina was always willing to work her scheduled shifts, plus fill in for call-offs whenever requested. She definitely is a TEAM player. Her years of experience and professionalism, plus her willingness to do whatever it takes is the reason that I am nominating Tina.
We knew right away that Tina was special. She worked as a professional caregiver for years and also took care of her mother who lived with her. Even through very difficult financial times, Tina didn't give up. She continued to work hard and put in long hours to juggle her responsibilities.
Tina now works in our office giving the staff extra support, providing care giving services when needed, and conducting hands-on caregiver training. She also takes turns with the on-call phone responsibilities. Tina never is too tired to offer help whether it is to help with a Marketing "bingo" or run to the store to buy office supplies.
From the responses with receive from our clients, Tina definitely is a caring champion. She deserves to be named as Caring.com's Caring Champion!
Caregiver's Best Skills and Attributes:
Tina's experience and competence are her biggest strengths. She has 20 years of care giving experience and can tactfully handle any situation. She is a role model for our caregivers and they respect her because of her knowledge and experience. Tina loves her role as a caregiver and it truly shows!
Feedback About This Caregiver:
Tina always receives great reviews and comments. In fact, we sometimes need to be careful where we send her because we know that certain clients may only want her if Tina is introduced even as a "fill in." We have had clients call into the office and only want to speak with Tina when they have questions. Once they meet her, they value her opinions and know that she is a "professional" caregiver. Competent, caring and dependable are all words used to describe Tina. Visiting Angels values Tina as an office staff member because we know that she will always go that "extra mile."
More About This Caregiver:
Tina is always EARLY. We have all learned from Tina to leave plenty of extra time...just in case. Tina is very generous and kind. Even though she has been through difficult times, she is always giving.
Tina deserves this award because of all of the quality care she has given with her whole heart to many, many clients and family members throughout her life. Daily, Tina goes out of her way to do whatever it takes to not let clients down. From filling in as a caregiver, to calling all of our caregivers to remind them of their weekend schedules, Tina just does what it takes.
I know that she truly will appreciate the recognition for the selfless work that she does every day. It would make the staff of Visiting Angels so proud to celebrate with Tina if she were to receive the Caring Champion award. Tina is MOST deserving!
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