Caregiver: Samantha S.

Employer: From The Heart Elder Care
Location: Sussex, NJ
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Inspiration for This Nomination:
Samantha has been with us since we opened our doors in 2010, she has been the rock of this company. Never calling out sick or requesting vacation days, Sam always shows up to work with a smile and ready to start the day with a positive attitude. She is the most reliable, has never been late and always willing to fill in, no matter what day or time we call on her for help. She has the biggest heart and such a calming personality, we are honored and proud to have her on our team.
Caregiver's Best Skills and Attributes:
Sam can take any bad situation and make the best of it, helping her seniors remain content and happy at all times. Her upbeat personality and kindness always shone through. Her manners and easy going attitude makes everyone around her love her and want to be in her presence. Sam brightens up any room with her genuine smile.
Feedback About This Caregiver:
We received this touching letter from a family member where Samantha has been working as a caregiver for the past three years:
"Samantha has been working in our home for the past three years or more. My mother was living with us but then my aunt, two years younger than my mother, came to live with us as well. The two are now 93 and 91 respectively and Samantha has been working with them from the start.
Sam arrives at our house at 8am and is immediately on the job helping to get everyone get up and start their day. The ladies refer to Sam as Old Faithful because she is always here promptly and has missed only one or two days since she started. Her cheerful, smiling, lighthearted way of going about her work is truly what inspires both of the ladies to get up in the morning. That and the promise of a hot cup of coffee! While the ladies finish their breakfast, Sam is making beds, straightening bedrooms and giving the bathroom the once over, checking with the personal supplies the ladies have and then letting me now when things are getting low. She understands why routine and supplies being on hand are important to her clients as they age so that they always feel secure and there isn’t much to throw them “a curve”.
One of our main concerns with the ladies was for them to have companionship and someone to encourage them to talk, discuss items from the morning news and just have conversations in general. Sam talks with the ladies and encourages them to tell stories from their past, sometimes hearing repeats what seems like a hundred times, God bless her. My aunt loves to sit out on the porch in the warmer months and Sam is usually the first to ask if she would like to go outside. It’s just Sam’s ability to anticipate their wants and needs that makes her such a fantastic aide. I trust her in our home and with the well being of two people whom are very precious to me.
I seriously do not know what we would do without Samantha. It’s as if she is a part of our family, yet maintains her professionalism at all times. I know that my mother and aunt love her and look forward to seeing her every day. I am sure that is part of the reason the two of them are still getting along as well as they are because of Samantha and her caring, responsible actions with her clients."
What Others Have Learned From This Caregiver:
Sam has got a young heart with an old soul. For a 23 year old, Sam sure knows how to stay positive. No matter what situation she is faced with, she will tackle it head on with no complaints, the glass is always half full for Sam and there is nothing that can stop her.
More About This Caregiver:
I would like this share this short story about Sam that really touched all of us at the office: Sam cares for 2 seniors; a 91 year old and a 93 year old. They went for a walk one day and Sam was walking behind them, as she normally does. One of the women turned around and asked "Sam, why do you always walk behind us?" She replied, "because I will always have your backs."
She is truly one of a kind and we cannot imagine anyone else who deserves to win this public recognition for a Caring Champion of 2014 - she is our Champion!
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Read More Stories | Find Home Care | Hire This Company: From The Heart Elder CareThankfull for caregivers like Sam. Wish there were more people like her.