Caregiver: Kathy L.

Employer: DayStay Adult Day Care
Location: Candler, NC
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Inspiration for This Nomination:
Today I nominate Kathy because of how gracefully she handles every aspect of caregiving. She seems to flow effortlessly throughout her duties, thereby putting all our clients, their family members, and other staff / volunteers at ease. She never appears frazzled and brings out the best in each person she meets.
Caregiver's Best Skills and Attributes:
Kathy is unmatched in her ability to relate to each adult day care participant's needs. One especially notable attribute is she establishes an amazing level trust with each of our participants and their family members. Her gentle, but persuasive demeanor can get even the most combative, confused participants to cooperate.
Feedback About This Caregiver:
All our adult day care participants, their families, and our staff / volunteers adore Kathy. Kathy works three days per week and on her days off, everyone seems to grieve her absence and ask for only her. Additionally, family members of past participant will still call or stop by just to chat with Kathy.
What Others Have Learned From This Caregiver:
Kathy has taught everyone at our adult day care how to better relate to persons with dementia. Her subtle tone and methods of redirecting have helped each staff member and volunteer. One staff member in particular has made complete turn around in her work personality from the lessons she has learned from Kathy. She is a great example, we all want to mimic.
More About This Caregiver:
Kathy herself faces physical challenges and she never lets that stand in the way of her caregiving. She always maintains a high energy level and brings huge joy to our small facility.
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