Candle Story for My Mom: Mary D. Perkins
PamZ made this candle.
My Mom and her parents' had Alzheimer's. It is the most horrible disease EVER!! Not that other's arent bad, but this is horrible!! I love my Mom and wish her the best every single day of my life. I took care of her after my Dad passed in 1995, pretty much by myself. She eventually went into a 'home'...that was horrible watching people NOT take care of her the way I thought she should be. Watching her 'melt' before my eyes was to say the least..horrifying. I love you Mom and you know I see you and hear you so I dont miss you as much as if I didnt see or hear you!! Talk to you later Mom...I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Caring candle for
My Mom: Mary D. Perkins